Friday, March 17, 2017

It's a matter of trust. ( from 3/13/17)

     I don't think Nastia is an evil person, I think the first few years of her life she basically was able to do anything she wanted, out of the sight of Adults. She took care of Elena and had freedom.
     This past Saturday, both were given an opportunity to be responsible. The Plan was we were all going to go to 'The Autobahn' mini car track at the mall and the girls could use their gift certificates. After that Elena and Alex could doing something and Nastia and David would have dinner somewhere.
     The Autobahn racing has a rule that if you bump anything more then twice, you must leave your car. Elena bumps the opening as she enters the track. At a nasty U-turn she bumps the outer wall. Next time around she slams right into the same wall, she seemed to not even turn.She exits the track.
     Nastia drives the course like she is out for a Sunday drive. She goes around at a moderate pace, taking turns gently. I don't remember her hitting anything until she scrapes a wall and is asked to leave. She doesn't argue, but is glad to leave. She says "It wasn't my thing."
     Teri and Nancy leave to go food shopping and I hang out. I have no plan and I decide to take some time to come up with one. Teri asks if I'm staying? I didn't know at that time.
     I hang out and everyone has disappeared. I text Elena to find out what her plan is with Alex. It's around three in the afternoon by now and Nastia doesn't have to meet David until 4:45.
     I text Elena and ask her what is she doing? She says she is having tacos. I ask where is Nastia? I'm told, she is at Back Stage. She was told to stay together with her sister, so I rush up there trying to keep my temper. Nastia has a streak in her that when She is told to do something, like stay with her sister, but it conflicts with something she wants to do she will do what she wants to do if she thinks she can get away with it. I have no trust in her word any more, for that matter, in a long time. Think back to last year.  Elena decides she wants to see a movie with Alex, but doesn't have money. Of Course Father know best says he will 'loan' her the money. (It's in quotes, because I'll never see it again and it turns out I don't even get change)
     I find Nastia at Back Stage. I take her hand treating her like a three year old and start to walk her back to the food court, while trying to keep my temper and telling her this is how a three year old is treated. I then launch into how she doesn't follow directions and I remind her about a TV show we watched and one of the characters after receiving a phone call yells to is wife, "You know that thing that you said would probably never happen but might, well I think it just did. It gets a smile from her. I admit to her it might never happen and I hope it doesn't, but why take the chance. I then give her the money for her sister and I give her some money so she has enough for dinner with David. I tell her to have David meet her at the movies. She runs off to the Movies on the forth floor and I do a slow walk, feeling very unhappy about the whole thing and head down to the third floor. As I pass under where the movies are I look up and there is Nastia high tailing it out of the movies. I'm burning again. Do I let it lie or do I go find her and cancel dinner with David because of her ignoring me. I already know what she will say if I confront her later, that she was waiting for David out front of the movies. I continue to walk to the car. I just don't want to deal with it and later I will wish I'd gone up to find out where she was, because when I finally confront her she will say exactly what I thought she would.
     It lies, They have dinner, David and Nastia, then bring home Elena. Teri and Nancy and I go to dinner at Charlie Browns and everything is left for Sunday afternoon when I ask Teri what I should do and her reaction is to call Nastia into the Kitchen and the three of us get into it, she says she waited for David at the movies and I told her I saw her high tailing it out of the movies and she slides right into 'I was waiting for him in front of the movies.' It most likely a lie, but I'll never know and I don't trust her. It's sad.     

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