Friday, December 9, 2016

The Day after the night before

The next day after Nastia's birthday Teri and I had a conversation. I won't go into it because some things are not part of history right now and may never be. Remember, history is written after the fact and usually is what the history books decides is relevant.
     After our talk, Teri went to the craft fair and I went up to Nastia's room. I woke her up and told her I was not very nice to David last night and I was sorry. Maybe I should of told David I was sorry, but I am not at that point yet. I don't remember everything I told her, but I told her my fears about their relationship. I said my nightmare is the two of you getting engaged before you both understand what it takes to be in a relationship or even be able to afford to live together. And how lack of money in a relationship can put pressure on that relationship and kill it.
     Then there was the fear of her getting pregnant. Then finally the reality of an interracial couple and the reality that if they move out of a metropolitan area, the problems they would most certainly face from people who don't approve.
     I didn't say, but maybe I should of is, don't grow up too quick. Once you cross the border you really can't go back.

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