Monday, December 19, 2016

End of the year 2016 or look who's bitching again.

This has been a different Christmas. With Nastia turning eighteen and Elena turning sixteen, now more then ever do I feel time slipping away. Things are always changing, but there are times when it becomes most acute. Nastia's birthday was one and Christmas Houses 2016 is another.
     It was a year ago when My Mom said 2015 would most likely be the last and Madeline said to me no it won't, you and I can do it next year. I said, because of mine and my wife's lack of  jobs I don't know where I will be next year.
     It's a year later and a lot has happened, some I will never again talk about again, not even to the people involved. People have continued to grow and change and the world has kept on spinning.
     My Daughters and Wife are happy, I hope and safe, I hope. life is not perfect and I never expect it will be.
     I am reminded of a joke I first heard at the beginning of the movie Annie Hall. It starts with Woody Allen telling a story about two old Jewish ladies at a resort in the Catskills. The first comments on how bad the food is. How there is nothing good to eat and the other one says, "and the portions are small too."
     Woody then says this is how he views life, and I have to agree with him on that. Life sucks, but I want more. Is that God laughing in the back round?
     I think despite what all the Bible thumpers think God has a wonderful sense of humor. If not why would he put an itch on the only spot on my back I can't reach. If I am truly made in his image I know why this world is so screwed up.

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