Friday, December 30, 2016

Rogue One A Muller Story

Went to see Rogue One yesterday with the girls. Teri can't stand Star Wars crap, as she says so I asked Nasta, who said yes and at first Elena said no, but she liked the Star Wars the Force Awakens so she changed her mind and it was scheduled for Thursday December 29th at 5pm.
     I work until 3pm and I can usually get home by 3:30 and I did, but no one else was home. I call Teri, no answer, I call Nastia she answers and says they are just leaving Walmart and are going to the Palisades Center. I say I'll meet them there. I'm in the car and off I go. I get a mile down the road and it's wait, there is candy at the house. I turn around, get the candy, clean the dogs dishes, turn the heat on in the downstairs bathroom and finally leave. I did all this, because I was early and had the time. Can You see where this is going? I head down Kings Highway and decide to go straight instead of making the right onto Old Mill road, because I was going to park in front of the Mall not the back near Target. So I blow past Old Mill and as the Railroad track over Kings Highway in Valley Cottage come into view there is a train rolling past. I make a quick decision to hang a right on a side road and then a left onto Fulle drive to come out onto Old Mill Road. At the last minute I change my mind. How long will it take the train to pass? That's a rhetorical question, I'll answer it. Five minutes later, I'm still watching this train pass. Every few minutes I'm thinking, if I turn around now the train will end, but it doesn't, and it doesn't until the point I think it will never end. After my clock just clicks over to eight minutes the train ends and off I roar. And yes I end up making a right onto Snake hill road off Rt 303 and park over near Target. Just as I'm pulling in Nastia calls me asking where I am. I was destined to never make it there on time.
     Now to the movie. The theatre was packed. I can't get over the fact that in this day and age people are still will to pay $13.00 for a movie and then get ripped off, not just a little, but really big time for snacks. $9.49 for a tub of popcorn, $5.49 for a large soda. Granted they both come with free refills and are both big enough to feed a small African country for a week, still has anyone ever hear of excessive sizes.
     I bring in the usual candy, I buy popcorn, a soda, and two ices and a hot dog, no lunch and spend $37.84, with the tickets that is two hours of fun for three people for  like $72.00, or $36.00 an hour, wish I made that again. Enough bitchin.
     The Movie was good. We sat just south of midway in the theatre, on the isle, which I like. You know incase you need to use the bathroom, twice during the show. Need to refill your soda with water because you drank it all and if you drink any more soda it will give you a headache. Oh and my favorite thing that happened aside from the women with the two small toddlers, who must of been so desperate to see the movie she bought two real young kids with her and I think she saw less of the movie then I did. My most favorite thing that happened was I gave Nastia the card board tray filled with popcorn. When she was done Elena decided she wanted popcorn, but needed butter on it. She goes and does that. A little while later she says the seat is covered in oil. I try to clean it with my few napkins and all I succeed  in doing is to smear it all over the seat. I had to go to guest services and have them come in during the movie to clean the seat. And of course after that I went to the bathroom again.
     Still in all I would not trade that day for anything. It's a great memory. And as they get older these day will be fewer and fewer. God bless them and days like this.

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