Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Shopping 2016

December 20, 2016  9:32am
     I just read last years Christmas shopping story. I forgot to include the story  where we are together at the entrance of Target's and  I tell them we would meet at a store called Sophore's. I asked if they knew how to get there. They say yes and we go in the right direction, just not together. I got there and I wait, and wait. I then text both a picture of Saphore's. I text more, I start to worry, I call them and they finally say the can't find Saphore's. This Year when We go Christmas shopping well meet again at Saphore's, lets see if they've learned anything..
     On Sunday, Nastia and David went to the Palisades Center to Christmas shop and have dinner as a make up for the Christmas Houses being moved and him not being able to go. She was out with him from one PM until Eight, I guess. She comes home with less then nothing in gifts, I think. I will take them Christmas Shopping Thursday. Yes, I know it is three day before Christmas then. I just forgot to take  them. More after Thursday.
      The Christmas shopping on Thursday was not as smooth as it could have been. The Girls had their list of presents and sorta had money. We went out as soon as I got home from work about 3:45.
We headed to A.C. Moore to get my Mother a gift card. The parking lots were jammed with cars to the point there were almost no parking spots. The wait on line wasn't too bad, I told the girls while I waited on line to go wander. After I was done I found them reading a book over in the far corner of the store. It was more of a comic. Our next stop was the Liquor Store where Amanda works. We go into get Rumchatta for Teri. I pick up a big bottle and say hi to Amanda as we exit the store. Everything is going smooth.
     The Palisades Center is our next stop. The Girls know what they want to get and what stores the items are in. It will be a breeze.
     Bed, Bath and Beyond is our first stop. I have coupons to get a discount on the products and I'n psyched this will go well. The Girls go off to get their stuff and I wander around to see if there is anything I can get Teri. A little while later the call me and say they are checking out.I meet them expecting to see four items in their hands,I see one. The other three are sold out. Now its time to search. We check out several store for Lucy calendars for Elena to give to Teri, No luck, I order it online, it will take until Friday. We search half a dozen stores for robes for Nastia to give Teri. I'm willing to go fifty or sixty for a nice one. All I find is crap priced at one hundred dollars or more. Things are not going so well. We've been in Target, J C Penny, Macy's and any number of the smaller stores.
     Two hours have gone by and I have blisters on my feet and we are trying to decide where to eat, Elena says food court, Nastia says cheese Cake factory, my wallet says home. We compromise on Chinese take out. It is so much cheaper then Hard Wok these days. At home I give Nastia a make up bag I bought Teri to give her. Most shopping is done. But We will go out again trying to get the robe at Kohls and failing and getting my mom bird seed, succeeding the next day.

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