Friday, April 15, 2016

Am I a good parent or...

The Night started out pretty good. Nastia was at work, Teri had a retirement party to go to. Elena and I were left on our own for dinner. We had planned Tacos, but with Nastia working it didn't see fair.
 I gave Elena the choice of having whatever she wanted for dinner, she chose the food court at the mall.
  We left about 6:15 and had a nice dinner, she had tacos, I had Nathans. We talked about school and her friends. I tried to be non-judgmental of whatever she said. She talked about a friend who was having sex and how she told the girl it was not a smart thing to be doing. I didn't judge, I listened and told her maybe why this friend was doing it. I even let her take her unfinished dinner and go by herself to put it in the car.
    About 7 or so We walk around the mall and she bought me into the store Backstage to show me the tatoos she wants to get when she turns 18. I hope she changes her mind. by then.
   About 8, Teri calls and says she is on the way to pick up Nastia, I tell her don't hurry we are still at the mall. I then have a great idea for everyone to get some frozen yogurt. Teri says it is not fair because Nastia is having stomach problems and that will just make it worse. I tell Elena she can go get her sister and meet me at the car. They get to the car and we head home. On the drive Nastia says she didn't get anything to eat during work. I tell her she needs to eat when she gets home. She is all of 87 lbs with her clothes on soaking wet.
  Here is where it goes bad. Elena says she can eat her taco for dinner, I don't think about how wrong that is until Teri tells me how bad of an idea that is. Teri makes her soup.
   A few days ago Nastia threw up in school and we took her to the doctor. She was given some pills and she threw up again last night. Tonight she threw up again and Teri wanted to bring her to the ER. I said it wasn't necessary. She was just throwing up real bad and the chills and the pain in the stomach were from that. I also said that I would not be surprised if she was dripping in sweat. In my younger days I spent more then one night, early morning after drinking hunched over a toilet throwing my guts up.I think I'm right, but all I have to be is wrong once and something happen to one of the girls and Teri would never forgive me. It's not her fault, She did save her father from dying at least twice by making him go to the doctor. I hope, god please, that I am right and she will be OK until morning and when we take her to the Doctor, they will says she just has something that is not life threatening and she just need something simple.
She did spend sometime in the bathroom and she did have the chills. She did feel better after it was over, except for a sore empty stomach. The chills have stopped and she is very tired.
  Tomorrow morning I will take her to the doctor and we will find out what is wrong with her stomach. Hopefully everything will be OK and not taking her to the ER tonight will not matter.

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