Wednesday, March 9, 2016

American Museum Of Natural History

The Girls had off for mid-winter recess the second week of February. Teri on Wednesday of that week decided it would be a good day to go to the Museum. I was working that day and I told her I was not going to go.Early that morning, I woke up and while I was lying in bed I realized I wasn't going to the Museum because that was what my father would of done. He would of gone to work and earned money so we could survive. The difference between my Dad's job and mine was I would not be missed if I didn't show up. I even had an agreement with my boss that I was paid a set fee and not by how much I worked. He'd taken advantage of it, it was time I did. So I called up the office as soon as Roger was in and told him I was not coming in and I told him the truth why.
  We got into the car a bit after 9 am and got into the city with no problem.Teri talked about going into the parking garage under the museum, bu I remembered parking on the street last time I went with Cory and Ryan about fifteen years ago.
 We drove up and down a few streets when I spied a car getting ready to pull out. It was a small spot, but I turned off the radio,told the girls to be quiet and backed into it on the first try. Nastia, who is learning to drive said she could never do that. I told her she would before she went for her license.Finding that parking spot, for me was the high point of the day. It got better when We realized we were only a block over from the museum.
  When We entered, Teri said the cost of tickets was $22.00 each, but it was just a suggestion. I was told to offer $10.00 a ticket, because that was all we could afford (1/2 a job between Us) I worked my way through the line thinking there is no way I will do that. We, I have always paid full price and wouldn't chinc on the price. What had this world come to when to get into the museum I would chisel the price. I got to the ticket booths and everyone followed me. I said five tickets. She asked how many children? I chiseled and said two, and three adults. Then She said the suggested price is $110.00. She gave me an opening. I took a deep breath, let it out  and said, asked I'm going to pay $50.00.  She accepted it without expression, without comment, without even calling me a cheap bastard, who has a lot of never short changing this wonderful organization, which was what I felt should at the minimum be my penance. She just says to remember to visit the food court, and smiles a strange smile, like there is a joke and I don't get it.* We go to the gate and get a smile from the guard, who takes our tickets and says don't forget to try out food court* and She smiled a smile that made me feel as if she knew something I didn't, like the world was going to end before I got my $10.00 worth of the Museum from my under paid ticket. We moved away from her quickly...
  The first place We headed was the 4th floor where the dinosaur was. He is so big that he doesn't fit in one room.
He is longer then my house, maybe even the length of our property. I have a video.
  We spend a good amount of time on the fourth floor. And when it feels like We have gotten our $10.00 worth* we venture to other places. We spend several hours walking through the different galleries and see things that you didn't know existed. Sad Things that no longer exist.

   About two in the afternoon everyone says they are hungry. Teri says there is a food court in the basement. A chill runs down my back as I remember the words of the ticket seller and the guard at the entrance.* Everyone agrees loudly, except me,who in a small voice tries to remind everyone what the witch, I mean the guard at the entrance had said, but they are gone and out of earshot* I give chase.
The cellar must be evil, it must house a deadly amulet that requires the sacrifice of a Russian father who's not Russian. It's all too clear. That must be that.* I run faster, but they seem to shrink further from me with every step I take. I raise my hand to yell for them to slow down, but I hear myself said for them to keep going I'll catch up. I start down a flight of stairs and suddenly realize I'm heading upstairs, the wrong direction. I stop and try to turn around and my feet are stuck to the steps. It;s like in a dream. I'm afraid to look down at my pant for fear that I will not be wearing any clothes. The lion heads on the ends of the banisters flare up like giant snakes, hissing and spitting at me.The rails next to me grab at me pulling at me, while twisting around me covering me, preventing me from saving my family. The rails prickly spines wind their way around me slowly suffocating me. They wind around my chest, forcing the air from my lungs. Around my neck and slowly into my mouth and nose, the thorns ripping at my skin, blood beginning to trickle down my cheeks. The Vines then cover my eyes pressing against them wanting burst them and enter my skull. As I begin to lose consciousness I hear two soft pops and the world goes black.
  The next sensation I feel is a soft nudging, then  a harder one to the ribs. My Wife is glaring at me, asking me if I've fallen asleep on my feet and do I want her to pay the bill for lunch. I shake my head, smile, she looks at me like I've just asked a street walker for directions. I look around, having no idea where I am. Then the realization hits me. WE ARE IN THE FOOD COURT, but except for it being crowded, not a hint of evil do I sense. I smile reaching for my wallet, for a brief moment I fear it will not be there. A soft bulge confirms it's safe. I slide it out of my pocket and go for my debit card, as I glance at the total. It doesn't make sense, it looks like someone printed their phone number at the bottom, where's the total. In the back ground two high pitched voices laugh at almost a screaming pitch and now I have found the evil in the basement. All the cheap, all the bargain hunters, all the poor are herded down to the basement and made into Soylet Green (AHHHHHH!!!!) (If You don't get it watch the movie) (AHHHHHHHHHH!) No the revenge of the spirits is we are charged over $100.00 for a lunch of two orders of chicken fingers, fries, a sandwich and an ice cream and three drinks,for four people. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THE HIGH PITCHED LAUGHTER GETS LOUDER AND LOUDER SUFFOCATING, OVERWHELMING, OH MY GOD I CAN'T BREATH!!

* Where there is a * that didn't happen, I hope.

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