Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Snowy Saturday at home.

The prediction of up to two feet of snow anywhere from Virginia to New York was known for most of the week before and everybody did their preparations for it. Of course the supermarkets were still packed the day before the storm and I was wandering around doing last minute things either I forgot to do or didn't make time to do. The most upsetting last minute surprise was finding the snow blower that I worked on last summer only sort of worked when I started it up. At full choke it would run at low RPMs and if I took the choke off the motor would stop. I shut it off and hoped it would not snow too much.
   It was supposed to hit starting at about 9 pm. I went to bed around 11 pm and it hadn't started, I was glad and when I woke up around 7:30 with about an inch or two I thought god had taken pity on me and We would get only a little snow. Well the winds picked up and the snow picked up and it kept coming down all day long. I went out to sweep around 11am, then again around 1pm and a third time around 3pm when I spent some time playing with the dog.
     Mesha loves the cool weather and wants to go out in it every time someone goes toward the back door. 
  I have spent the fall working on the mud room and finished putting down the new wood floor the day before the snow started. I feel I have to wait until the weather changes to put a finish on the floor. Hopefully it won't get damaged.
   No One was going out anywhere today, the governor declared a state of emergency and Nastia was sick and her work called anyway to tell her they were closing so don't come in.
 n Everyone sat around and watched movies under blankets in separate rooms. I went outside when the weather let up a little bit and played ball with the dog. Teri declared it a perfect day when we gathered in front of the living room TV to watch The Martin. It was enjoyed by the four of Us.
  Now it is two minutes to 11pm, the wind is howling outside and the snow every so often blows up against the window and it has gotten quiet. It might not be a perfect life, but the day was damn close to a perfect day. God has blessed my unusual family. I hope they feel the same.

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