Thursday, July 17, 2014

Boyfriends.. dead ahead...good me.

   Elena has been dating, I've removed the ' ' because she tried to french kiss him on his birthday. It's sorta funny until you start to think what else she might give him in the future, yuck.
   Nastia was the one who provided the information. She announced it to everyone in front of Elena and you can understand why she is angry at Nastia. I just wonder why she still tells her things.
   Now on to Nastia. She got rid of her face time boyfriend, Justin, who I had grown to dislike anyway. I tried not to let her know I didn't like him. He went really south in my opinion when I told him that Nastia was in trouble and couldn't text him until at least Friday. He gives me the OK sir, I'm sorry bit. Then a day later I see on Elena's phone that he was texting Elena trying to get her to have Nastia text him without me finding out. I replied that She wouldn't or something like that and he said He was sorry, he just missed her so much.
 I gave Nastia her phone back on Friday, but asked both of them not to contact Justin until Monday because he was being punished for trying to go behind my back. Thankfully she dumped him and this time she blocked him from the phone and x-box.  Now comes the be careful what you wish for has happened. Nastia now has a real boyfriend, his name is Anthony. He came over today to swim with Nastia while Elena went to Matt's house to hang out (french kiss?? , Nah she can't play x-box here and can over there. That has to be it)
  Well I leave the two of them alone to swim after Elena goes to Matt's and it is quiet. So I look out and see the two of them in the clinches like two tired prize fighters. I turn on the radio and get a glass of water and drink it without looking out the window, but plainly seen. A few moments later
  Nastia come to the window and asks "Is everything is OK?."
   I say "yes, just listening to the radio." I then tell her, "more swimming, less hugging." I don't know if I'm made to do this.
 They get out of the pool and play cards some, then Nastia asks to go in the tent with Anthony, I say No. She then wants to play X-box. At first I say no then say OK. I pop in every so often to check on them and I guess it went OK.
  A little after five Anthony's Dad shows up and He goes. There was no kissing, just hands touching arms.
  When I'm up to it they can do it again.
  Elena might be the smart one, she has started doing her dating out of my sight. I need to think about both sides of that coin.

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