Sunday, July 27, 2014


  I just saw a movie with Zach Braff, Mandy Patinkin, and Kate Hudson. Zach is an actor who hasn't worked much lately and his wife seems to resent him a little for it. His kids go to religious school paid for by his father, who has just found out he has cancer again.
  I was a little uncomfortable with the movie until I heard Kate's job was with the water company and she was not very happy there. Zach said "she was following the dream."
  If you haven't figured it out yet or are reading this in the future and I am just some dusty picture on a wall, please lets start by dusting off the picture, good. Now as of 2014 July 26, I am without a job and my wife works for the water company and a long time ago she quit following the dream.
  So now that we are caught up you see why this movie was not the one to see when you haven't gone to the movies in about two months.What makes it worse is it is an 'R' rated movie, (do they still use 'R' in the future?) and we bring the girls who at fifteen and thirteen laugh at a lot of wrong times. The Girls said it was a funny movie, I thought it was poignant, you know bitter sweet, moving, touching, you know like the definition I  just looked up
  Zach's character looks like he will have to give up the dream or home school the kids. With the tried and true Hollywood script, our hero manages to bumble his way through home school and land on some kind of a journey of self examination where his wife comes to him while he is doing the laundry and says "I haven't seem you in a while." He replies, "I've always been here."
  "No" she says,"I haven't seem this you in a long time."
Enough said there is a happy ending even though Mandy Patinkin's character dies, but not before Zach gets his brother to their father's bed side so they can repair their relationship.
  Easy, Hollywood simple,I should of written it.
I'll leave you to draw any conclusions.

Reflections Part 2.
  I was a little surprised to have my own words thrown back at me one day recently.
  I told Nastia, that most all boys want one thing, sex and they are all pigs. Naturally I did not intend to include myself in that category, but I am, or was a boy and all I was interested in when I was young was sex and I guess that makes me a pig, like all the other males in this world.
  Before we go on, I have to say I told her that because she is naive and too trusting and Elena has been doing her dating out of my eye site mostly.
  So one evening I'm at the table and Nastia is in a slightly short night shirt having taken her shower. She lies on my lap, face down. I look down and see a round bottom poking well out of her night shirt and her panties have ridden up a touch on one of her cheeks. So without a thought a lightly tap her cheek and call the dog to bit it. She jumps up and I don't remember everything she says but some of it was pervert and all boys are pigs and a couple of others. I was very surprised and a little hurt, but I knew she was trying it out to see how it felt to use it. And I will say I won't do that again.
  Elena has been a different person lately. She has been so full of life and adventure I find myself talking to her and yelling a lot less. I give her more freedom and I hope the change in her is not the fact that she is out of school and the moods will return when school does. I really hope it is a physical change and she might be growing out of her problems. I am not holding my breath and we are going forward with tests for ADD. If her behavior doesn't change I won't give her the pills.I don't want to anyway. I hate to take medicine unless I have to and I don't want her to. So lets hope.

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