Saturday, June 29, 2013

Your a Grand old flag, your a high flyin flag and forever in peace may you wave....

Thank You George M. Cohan played by Jimmy Cagney...
 Its hard to believe it is the end of June already. When I was younger summer began when we got out of school. I remember we came home from school, it was the last or near to the last day of school and it was a beautiful day. My Mom had opened the pool and it was ready to swim in, it was one of those magical moments you remember over the years. Hopefully years down the road the girls will remember opening the pool and having to empty it and gather up all the leaves.
   Conger's Fire Department held it's annual carnival at the end of June. It is something that the Girls have begun to look forward to. That is already beginning to change. We bought the girls wrist bands at $25.00 each, they went on each ride once and then wanted to got play games. We made them go on more rides, but you could tell it wasn't like two years ago when they went on the big slide more then two dozen times. They are already starting to grow up, and we just got them.

Russia before adoption
  The big treat for Teri and I was fried Oreos. It is this warm sweet, slightly crunchy blob of dough filled with a soft sweet Oreo cookie. They were good. Don't eat them cold because they are not as good. It was a short evening.
   The next night we went to the fireworks, they started at 9:45. Before we left someone drove upon to the side lawn next to my car. I was called by Nasta and went out to tell them to get off the lawn. I said loudly to the person and not to nicely that it is not a parking lot and they have to move. It turned out to be Tasha and her Mom. Vasante had told her daughter to call to let us know who was doing this, Tasha called Nancy thinking she was here. Everyone got a big laugh over this.

   We bought folding beach chairs with us and started walking down the street. The road was closed and it was full of people. A lot were not at the carnival, but the carnival was packed. We walked past the pizza parlor, toward the gas station. There was some safety tape put up across the gas station and the next two parking lots. We get down to the place where we sat last year. Someone was there already. We decided to sit in the road near the safety tape. We were there no more then five minutes when the show began. Nothing will compare to the fireworks set off at Disney over the Christmas Vacation we were there, but these were nice. After a minute or so I start swatting at mosquitoes. Then one of the Girls goes 'ouch' and rubes her eye. It was a cinder from a rocket. Then a piece of paper flutters down and we notice there are no mosquitoes we are in the fall out zone and we are being pelted by cinders and bites of paper. Your shoulder or your lap would get covered in debris and you would brush it off like dandruff.
  At the end of the show the chairs had little piles of ash in them that we swept out. It was a different night and now we all know why that tape is there and why you should not sit even near it.

1 comment:

  1. Pool cleaning looks like fun (not really). Hope you get it done in time to enjoy...
