Sunday, August 12, 2012

Birthday Girl goes Elenapaloosa

Friday was Elena's birthday, she turned twelve. In the three years we have known her she has become a mouthy little girl with a heart of gold. There was a fear that she would get lost in the crowd. There is still that fear, but at home it doesn't happen. She is a quirky, funny charming child and we are proud to have her as our daughter. I don't know if she is destined for greatness but she wants to learn to play the guitar and the piano. I just have to get her a teacher.
   On Friday her and her sister spent the day at home. Camp is over and the three week summer school they are going to was off. Teri and I got home from work a little early and we got dinner going. Elena had asked for meatballs and spaghetti.
   Elena invited over Emanuel, Frankie and Nastia's friend Angelica. Only Emanuel and his sister were able to make it. It seems everybody is always away when it is Elena's birthday, it's not always easy to throw an Elenapaloosa, Yes her birthday celebrations have been reclassified as Elenapaloosas, just like that lesser known festival. Grammy and Aunt Madeline were here too, as was Aunt Nancy, Amanda and Amanda's friend Deandra. We had dinner and cake and ice cream, compared to the other birthdays, this one was a little low key. It was nice. I think we were all a little tired from our day. Elena didn't get her cell phone yet. She will use it to the point that it will have to be taken away from her. She'll be as bad as Amanda. Some of her gifts were a key board, Zombie Lab and a hand made pouch by Grammy.

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