Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A summer chill turns warm by evening.

The day started out bad when Leo..d took what Teri thought was an attitude when she wanted to bring him to camp. It turned out he felt it was too early to go to camp. I took him and he got there when everyone else was getting there. Teri asked if I thought he didn't like her. I said no, he didn't want to get to camp too early.
   In the afternoon when I picked him up he was happy and asked if Amanda, Brandon and Deandra were at the house. He hung out with them until seven when they went home.
   We asked Leo..d and A..ya if there was something special they wanted to do before they left on Friday. We had to call Scott to get the correct answer. They want to get souvenirs for the orphanage director so we will go to the city on Sunday. Maybe Manhattan or Brighton Beach (a Russian community) it will be fun.
   And just like 08' we are already beginning to miss the two of them. The house will seem quiet just like last time. Will we adopt them? I don't know.

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