Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas House cookies

It is year three of the great experiment. The girls are thriving and are developing into right little american teenagers. The younger one is being hit hard by puberty and has the attitude to show for it. The older one is developing as the younger one in to fine american teenagers. Why I repeated myself is the wife came and distracted me telling me healthy children need three meals a day and if they were not hungry when we offered them food we should offer them food at what would be a normal dinner time. I feel we are catering a little too much to them and they should eat when it is time, not when they want to. Maybe I'm being mean and not stating the problem as it really is. I'm sure my wife would have another opinion. But you know what they say about opinions.
   It is before Christmas and it is time for Christmas cookie houses. Starting several years ago Grammy decided making Christmas cookies like we did when we were kids was too complex and needed to change. Too many types of cookies and too many people, so she figured she would build cookie houses from sugar cookie recipe and everyone could decorate them.
   One year I thought a light house would be a good idea and Grammy and I built one. This year it got a little out of hand. Billy got a castle, Denis got a house with a heliport and I got a version of our house that Teri decorated.
   The girls got regular houses and everyone had a great time

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