Saturday, December 17, 2011

Another busy prechristmas weekend, again

Friday night I was supposed to make a delivery to a customer in Putnam Valley about an hour away from everywhere. I got side tracked going to the office and didn't pick up the milk until almost six. It was an hour from the office to Putnam Valley and an hour from Putnam Valley to home. So being me, I cut the middleman out and went home.
  That meant I would have to go and do it on Saturday. Teri decided to go to work on Saturday, because she is over whelmed and there is not enough time with her working fifty to sixty hours a week.
  I get the girls up at eight, Teri had left an hour earlier and would not be home until six or so. We dressed and left on our field trip to Putnam Valley.
  We made our delivery of three cases half and half quarts and a case of pints of half and half. I treat the girls to breakfast. Nastia rediscovers she likes bacon, lettuce and tomato on a roll without mayo. Elena goes with a simple bagel with butter. I get a sausage, egg and cheese.
  You'd think after all this fun and adventure the girls would not want to take another ride for an hour to see a cow at the opening of a new store in Danbury.
  An hour later the girls are petting a year old calf and don't want to leave when it is time to go to karate. We arrive at karate a little late and they find out it is wood breaking day. They start with one piece of wood each. When they see another kid who has move experience do four they suddenly start digging into their bags to get more wood. The instructor lets them try and they succeed in busting one of three and on their second attempt they break the remaining two. They were thrilled and brought their broken wood home to show their mother. She will be properly thrilled. Then she will yell at them when they leave the bags in the living room.
  After karate, I again treat them to a meal out, McDonald's (big spender) and I get a sandwich from a pizza parlor.
  The day is starting to wind down, it's three-thirty, I've read some, I've eaten, I'm tired. Then to my horror, I realize it is three-thirty and the house is not clean and Teri will be home soon!! I don't clean the house often and Teri rarely asks me to and she didn't this time, but can you imagine a very tired Teri coming home to a dirty house after working a full day on a Saturday. I was paralyzed with terror. What should I do first. I debated packing a bag and running for it. But I manned up and got out the dust mop. My wife hates the dust mop, says it just pushes around the dirt. I find it is quick and does a good job on our wood floors. She calls and says she is going to the store and will be home a little late. I breath a sigh of relief while telling her she has been away for so long, but on second thought, you did have a hard day at work, so take you time. no sense pushing your luck.
  House was clean  when she got home and dinner was about ready when she walked in. She purchased half of it. Life is good. Now if I could just get some time to go Christmas shopping, put up the light outside and decorate the tree we'd be set.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was not a bad day and the girls are doing well.
    Have fun shopping.
