Thursday, November 26, 2009

Spell check and a good story

I guess after the last story it is clear I am not  good at spelling. I do hope you didn’t think anything else. I usually write the story and do not go back and proof read it. I guess I will be changing that policy now. I think I will also leave the last story as is.
Elena got sick again. It started on Sunday, when they were in Pennsylvania. The four of them, Teri, Nastia, Elena and Tony had gone to visit relatives and got back about six or so and we went out to the Hard Wok to eat. There Elena didn’t want to eat and she complained of stomach pains. Teri kept asking her if she had to go to the bathroom and twice the two of them had gone.
After one trip Teri had mentioned that Elena had gone and how long it was. I could not believe what followed. First off that this conversation was taking place at a table I was eating at. And second that Nastia was put out and saying that she could make one bigger. It was an odd night for table talk.
Elena didn’t eat anything that night, not even ice cream, so we knew she was sick. We put her to bed and were getting more concerned that she was complaining about stomach pains. She was walking all hunched over and it almost looked like she was putting on an act it was just a bit much I thought. Teri jumps to the conclusion it might be appendicitis. I didn’t think so, but she has been right so many times with her dad that I said it might be a stomach virus, but I wasn’t ruling out anything even appendicitis.
About three in the morning the bathroom light goes on and wakes me up I go over to the bathroom and Elena is finishing up using the toilet. She has a tear in her eye and is upset. I ask her why and I am thinking the last time she was sick she had an accident in the bed and it might be that. I walk her back to bed and it is dry so I tuck her in and take her temperature with that pointy thing from the last story. It was about the same as before, 100.7. I kiss her good night and go back to bed expecting her to get up at any moment and I don’t sleep very well. The next morning she is worse and Teri says she will stay home and take her to the doctor id I can call and make the appointment. She goes in at 11:15 and is sent over to the MRI place for a scan, it might be appendicitis. They also do some blood work and she is sent home with a prescription for a possible virus in her colon. She has to take the medicine every six hours and we give her the first pill at eight pm. The next pill I give her at 2am. About nine or so Teri has become very concerned about Elena because the pain seems to be getting worse. I call my mother and she says to call the doctor and see what she says. The Doctor doesn’t have a night service, but she does leave her cell number if it is an emergency, we decide to wait and give the medicine a chance to work. I wrote down her number in case later we need to call quickly.
The next morning she is a lot better, not 100%, but much better. I was almost ready to send her to school. Teri said she would take the day and work from home so common sense ruled again.
By the end of the day Elena’s energy level was down and it was a good thing we didn’t sent her. A teacher even said nothing was happening this week and she would miss little by not being in school.
Wednesday we kept her home and we will send her back on Monday.

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