Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gobble, Gobble, its Turkey day already

Yesterday was August and we were getting ready to pick the girls up in Russia. Today it is a little less than a month from Christmas. You are getting old when almost half a year goes by and you don’t notice. I’ve noticed, so I guess I’m getting close to old or something like that.
Every day the girls speak a little better English and they surprise me again. On Thanksgiving they met for the first time Joe Van Demark and after all the things he has been through it would of hurt , but would have been expected if they had been afraid of him . He had an operation on his throat and had his voice box removed and uses a vibrating device to speak. When we got to Eric and Lynn’s house, Joe was already there and we went in and introduced the girls to him like nothing was different. He motioned he could not talk to them and in a few minutes he was using the device to talk to them and they were their charming selves. The three of them spend a good portion of the night together and had a good time I was very pleased and proud.

It was a typical Thanksgiving Day people watched football, other people sat around and talked and some talked, watched football and drank. I played poker with my nephews. Dennis who is all of about seven or so was begging me to play poker with him. We started doing this a couple of years ago and he got really into it except he will not gamble with money. He has chips and cards and likes to play black jack, but will not gamble with his money. I guess that is a good thing. I had him playing Texas hold em for a while. I’ll have to get everyone back into that.

1 comment:

  1. these are 2 very caring and affectionate kids, you both should feel extremely proud to call them your daughters.........
