Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It's all happening at the zoo.

This past weekend we wanted to do something as a family. So we decided to go to the Bronx Zoo. We figured that the price of a ticket for the four of us and then we invited back up and babysitting, Amanda and Thrasha. Everything worked out about as well as could be expected. That sounds like I have some reservations about the day. I guess maybe I do. I’m still trying to get my head around the fact that every time we go out the price of everything we do is going to be twice what it was. We went to the Hard Wok Thursday and we had a great time, my mother and brother and his family and my sister and her family were all there and the price to take the four of us out was just a little short of fifty bucks and I always viewed the Hard Wok as a cheap place to go eat. I guess we will not be going to El Bandito, where Teri and I can do 80-100 dollars, anytime soon.
We invited CJ and Fran to go with us to the Zoo, but they could not come. So Teri, Amanda, Thrasha, Nastia, Elena and I all went to the zoo. We got there at about one pm and it was a warm day so like idiots, we at least me, we threw off our jackets forgetting it was October and not June. About an hour or so later in the shade it started to get a little cold.
The first animals we saw where the Water Buffalo and they were at the other end of their space. I wonder if the girls could see them, we still need to get them glasses.

Being Lions
They really enjoyed seeing the Tiger, the snow leopard and several other animals. They enjoyed seeing a peacock up close and after Birobidzan I didn’t trust Nastia to be alone with anything with feathers. If you don’t remember she enjoys chasing pigeons and trying to catch them. Got as close as a handful of feathers once. I don’t know what a peacock would do if it was chased and cornered by Nastia.
We ate some pretty poor food at the food court area and around four in the afternoon we were at the other end of the park. We started back by another route to see other things. We stopped at the Giraffe enclosure, but there was none to be seen. By this time most of the animals had been bought inside I guess to be fed.
We walked to one gate only to find out that it was the wrong gate. Finally as the sun was setting and it was getting colder we finally found the correct gate and got in the car and went home. All and all it was good to get out as a family and we dropped Amanda and Thrasha off at Tony’s house and picked up an old file cabinet that Nancy got from work and bought it home.
At Home I was bring the file cabinet out of the car and the cellar steps were exposed and out of the corner of my eye I see a figure tumble down the stairs. It was weird, it happened without any sound. The first sound I heard was Elena starting to cry. I dropped the cabinet and ran down the stairs. I picked her up, I know I should have seen if she was ok first, and I carry her inside and sit her down in a chair in the kitchen. I would not let her get up until I was sure she was ok. Teri checked out one side of her and I did the second. Now the most important thing out of all this was during the fall and me carrying her and checking her out she did not drop her Nintendo game. Oh also she was fine, maybe a knot on her head which she played up for the rest of the night, just a little bit

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