Thursday, October 15, 2009

Every thing old is new again

It seems like we went through this once before. The girls are in an after school program and the after school program has asked them to leave. They feel that the girls’ lack of understanding English is too time consuming and it takes time away from the other kids. It’s not that the girls were bad, except for today, it just the language. I’m really getting tired of all these people who don’t want to handle the girls, really tired.
Teri and I had a phone call with the principle Martha Ryan today, nothing to do with the JCC after school program. It was an interesting conversation. She talked about bring in more help for the girls. A teacher’s assistant some more ESL help and some Russian language programs. I’m just a babe in the woods when it comes to getting what a student in need needs, but it seems that she is trying her best to help the girls out and is not nickel and diming us. I hope it turns out to be true. She is a really nice person and her staff seems to be really nice and helpful. Again I hope it all works out right.
With work I don’t get to see the girls much. I was told that Elena acted up in the after school program. The two of them were barking like dogs, which they have done before. But Elena was climbing on furniture. Teri got the fun job of setting the two of them straight on proper behavior in public. I went to donate blood at the local FD. When I got back all three were alive and there were no obvious bruises so I guess it went well.
Up until two nights ago the girls were sleeping in the double bed in the back bedroom and Teri said they were talking too much and were not getting to sleep quick enough so she made them go back to their room and to sleep in their own beds. Elena did try to get into Nastia's bed, but was stopped. It always seems to be Elena who wants to be with Nastia and is stopped. I’m not sure I agree with it. I think for the two of them it is a security thing. But then again this is the second night of it and there seems to be no side effects. I guess when they are in therapy in ten years and they blame Teri for all their attachment problems I’ll know that it was a mistake.

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