Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday and You have alot of reading to do

Wednesday and you got a lot to read
I’ve downloaded to the blog everything that I’ve written since leaving the Atlanta hotel in Moscow. I know I’ve given you guy’s a lot to catch up on so what I’ll do is summarize.
We landed in Kharabosky, took a three hour car trip to Birobadijan. About ten minutes outside of town we are stopped at a railroad crossing because a train has broken down and the crossing is blocked. Here we met our new best friends the Jewish Autonomous region mosquitoes. They are big, they are mean and they are blood thirsty and hungry. We are ok sitting in our original spot on line. Our driver sees a spot closer to the crossing and moves up. When he stops we find out why the previous driver left. After twenty minutes of playing how many flies can you swat we move on. The train was still broken, but someone gave the ok to open the gate, and off we fly (hey, I made a joke).
We get to town and turn into this apartment complex and if you want to read about it go to the post, I was a little harsh on it and it did catch us both by surprise. We weren’t expecting it and when we went inside the apartment which is nice, didn’t thrill us because of the outside. We found out later that the town owns the outside and the tenants own the apartments. If someone wants to upgrade the outside they ask the town or do it themselves. Or they can form tenant associations and do it through the associations.
Inside the Apartment, a fourth floor walk up is the person who takes care of the adoptions and assigns us drivers and translators. We take care of a little business and she gives us a tour of the apartment.
On Wednesday, We meet the girls for the first time in 13 months. They were told we were coming and were prepared and met us in the director’s office. The girls for one reason or another were taken out of school so we have access to them at anytime we want. We spent several hours at the orphanage and let the kids have our cameras and they took several hundred pictures of everyone and we have kept the majority. While there and on every successive visit we fall in love with another kid and want to take them home. If any of you intrepid travelers are feeling your home is a little empty and your bank account a little to full let me know and I will solve both problems quickly. There is loads of kid waiting for loving homes here. What awaits them after they turn 18 or 19 I really don’t want to think about.
On Thursday, I put on my finest duds and go to court prepared to make my case for adopting the girls. I do my introduction and the judge asks questions, calls in the girls, asks questions of the older one, Nastia. She then proceeds to ask my wife questions and then she goes and considers her decision. About half an hour later she comes back tells us they are our children and we have ten days to appeal the decision and then it will be final. Did she know something we didn’t?
Friday, I have my melt down. Howard and Marty told us to expect your child to reach a point that everything that he or she has been thinking about suddenly becomes a reality in their mind and they go a little crazy.
Nobody told me it was going to happen to me. Well it did and I didn’t realize it until I reread some of what I wrote. I don’t really know what to say about it beyond if I insulted anyone, I’m sorry. I wasn’t going to publish it but I did.
Saturday was a better day, we spent time with the kids at the music festival (which they did not like) and walking the riverside park (they did like). It was less of a disaster then the day before.
Sunday dinner in Russia, has a nice warm sound to it. Dinner was fun. Good food, good people, good beer. I just reread the post and the day was rough on us and the girls. We have a long road ahead of us and I am very concerned. We will need all the help we can get so please don’t hesitate to ask and if we say no, ask again later. We will need it.
This past Monday, will sound like a mixture of the previous days. We are running out of places to take the girls. We were at the River walk, because we found out the underground playground is closed and we don’t want to chance bowling with the energizer bunnies. We encouraged the girls to run and Elena covered about a mile before she stopped. I think I see an athlete on our team. Nastia is going to be the actress, every time she sees a camera she poses. She will also do impromptu songs and dances.
Tuesday, if I was to tell you what we did you’d say hey are you trying to skip out on writing your blog? You’ve don’t that before at least twice and you’ve had that same fight several times with your wife. At least think up some new lies to tell. Yeah, we went to the pit stop, spent the day there, because it was raining. Had a fight with Nastia, she wanted money, ice cream, more food and Elena wanted the same (Fleas, Papa, fleas) we dropped them off and went out to dinner again.
Now Today Wednesday, the reason you know what is happening to us. We are finally in our hotel room. It is very nice; it is smaller than our apartment. Here are the pluses; we walked home from dinner, we made an internet phone call, hell we have internet access! A TV! (All in Russian, but don’t think it doesn’t matter).
We went to the bowling alley to have lunch with the girls. I felt it was going to be a disaster and said lets go, but we stayed and it was passable. The girls ate spaghetti and a hot dog each. Somehow we got two orders of meat pie so Teri and I ate some and Elena ate some but Nastia refused to she wanted more spaghetti. We then went to the square where the hotel is and walked around. We spent a little time in the room and then went back outside and the girls chased the pigeons (hey, I know I’m repeating myself but it’s what they did and enjoy) Tonight Teri and I went out to dinner alone and since we have both heard each other’s stories several times we ate quietly except for the occasional foods good, yeah, your right. Beer please, haven’t you had enough?


  1. Glad we are getting to read yor blogs. Sounds like a memorable trip......

  2. Wow sounds like you have been getting to know the girls all over again. I am happy you can finaly let us know what is happening. Teri- Do you eally want an orange cat? St Joe- I am only kidding..
    I can't wait for you to get back with the girls.

  3. Joe, when do the girls finally stay with you all day and night? It sounds like they go back to the orphanage at night.

    Have you looked for their father or their sister?

  4. The girls are gorgeous! I am getting even more excited. I have already stocked up on the M & M's (Nastia's favorite:). Hope you are all doing well, things will be much better when you are home and among English speaking people. Keep happy and tell the girls I miss them. Lynn

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The girls are cute. I know you can't wait to get home and start your lives together.
    Hurry home

  7. As far as their father or sister, Elena's father gave up his rights.The sister might be a women who visits them occationally and asked to be notified when they leave to say good bye. The only known relative either has that knows what is happening is Elena's grandmother who has said she can't afford to take the girls. Nastia's father was only known by the say so of her mother. He never admitted to being the father as far as we know.
    Joe and Teri

  8. It is very sad that their Grandmother can't afford to raise the two them. I guess it seems like a shock since we are not used to that happening here. Hopefully if their sister does come to say goodbye she will have letters for them to keep. That is so heartbreaking.
