Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Sunday Dinner in Moscow

Sunday Dinner in Russia
A lunch at Pit Stop
The day started off less than stellar. The girls had more energy than con-ed and we didn’t. We picked them up about noon and were told it was almost lunch time and did we want to eat with them. We were trying to be nice and told them we would and they said the girls needed to change. They came out with different clothes on and we left.
We went to fast food; I know it was fast food because it said so on the outside of the building, not because it was. Jenya took our order and placed it. She told us she would wait outside and when we were finished she would meet us there. I like it when she leaves us alone with the girls. I don’t know for a fact but it feels like I’m being graded by her when we have the kids and she is with us. I have no proof and it is in all likelihood my imagination, but I like it better when it is the four of us. Lunch didn’t go well, Nastia got a broiled hot dog and Elena, Momma and I got burgers with cheese. Elena changed her mind and wanted a hot dog, Nastia shared and Elena refused to eat the burger, which didn’t look like beef and didn’t taste like it either. We had fries that were good and soda that was the Birobadijan normal almost cold. Every few minutes someone had to go to the bathroom. I was told it was unisex and a hole in the ground, and some of us will not go in there. After Lunch we were going to try bowling, but Nastia’s arm is still in a cast and they had too much energy to sit around when someone else was bowling. So we chose to go to the restaurant Pit Stop and they could go in the maze while Teri and I sat and talked. Yea right, every few minutes one of the two of them would not show up where they were supposed to be and I would go off looking for them. I found Nastia sitting on one of those rides that you put a quarter in and it rocks back and forth. Twice she must have gotten someone to put a coin in for her because it was going. She’s too young to have men twisted around her little finger. I also found her with gum. She assured me someone had given it to her and she didn’t pick it up somewhere. I yelled at her and smacked Elena for drinking from the bottle everyone was using. They went back into the maze and went to the room right in front of us. It was about 8 feet by 4 feet, where Nastia proceeded to jump up and down kick the wall and then fall down on the floor. None of it was directed at us but was done with us able to watch. I knocked on the glass wall and asked her to come out where I hugged her and kissed her and made nice. She hugged back and when she went back into the maze the behavior changed. I then called Elena and did the same thing, there was no change in behavior’ before or after. She went along like nothing had changed from early in the morning. She’s scary. We stayed there until it was time to take them back at about 4:30.
We went to the CJ and Fran’ apartment for dinner, they have the better apartment, and they cook some pretty good Pasta with bread and beer and other things. It was a good meal. We sat around talking until about 10:30 when we took a taxi home and again it was a nice evening.
There is something going on with our translators, I don’t know what. We were asked what we wanted to do for dinner. CJ and Fran were asked if they wanted to go for Chinese food with the Mullers?
This was before we said we were going for Chinese. Strange goings on.

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