Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Americans get ugly 09-14-09

The American’s get Ugly
Let’s start at the end of the day and maybe jump around. We just got back from having some cake and coffee at a shop right across from the hotel that is fully booked, but isn’t. We left the café and while walking to get a cab we decided to go and ask if they had any rooms. The lady behind the desk said yes. I am not happy. I have been living in a Soviet Union inspired flat with uneven stairs, a hallway that is both dark and cold and smells of cat pee. On top of that we are paying 100.00 American each night we stay there. The Hotel is a little more, 120-130 American a night. Now the question begs to be asked, do we want to open up a can of worms with one night left after tonight before we move to the hotel? Nadezda is the person who is paid to get things done around here because she has the connections, do you want to piss her off or let it rest until you have possession of the kids? I guess it will rest the one and only reason to go on this trip was the kids. Nastia got stuff she didn’t want to eat and gave it to her sister. We quickly gave up on the Pit Stop and went to the river walk after getting some pictures of the kids for their passports. And also Teri and I had a fight and it will be the first in a long line of how best to raise the girls. The girls chased pigeons and then we went to the river walk so they could feed and chase the pigeons. Sometimes it feels like we are adopting dogs instead of humans because if we let them run they are happier and easier to get along with. I don’t want to insult anyone, not even the girls, but they need to get out and run I think and I also think that Elena has some potential for track. When we let her go for a run she took off on this circuit that was about a quarter mile long and I thought maybe she would do it once, maybe she went around three time and then ran down to the end of the river walk. Nastia did the same distance but she stopped where Elena just ran and ran, run Elena, run. At the end of the river walk we got something to eat, a snack and then picked up some oranges and peaches for their group. On the way to the Orphanage they started cursing and we pick up on it and tried to stop it. In the orphanage they did it again and this time we told them we were leaving. They started to get hyper and laugh a lot so maybe that wasn’t the best thing for us to do. When they start to act up like that it is a sign that something is going on inside of them and it is their defense mechanisms kicking in, the way they protect themselves from hurt, embarrassment. We will try to do better next time.
We met CJ and Fran for dinner again and this time it was at a place called California. It had French fries and Beer. Beyond that nothing to do with California except a picture of maybe Alcatraz. Food was good and plentiful. We spent 1500 rubles with tip for four which in American is fifty dollars.
After that we went to the coffee shop and then the hotel. More about that tomorrow.

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