Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Great car restoration oops , the beach, another oops! and Maine

The great car restoration has had its ups and downs. A down day was when we had to bring it home because of the landlord at Caliper tire. An up day was finally finishing the brake on the front tire or having the short shaft and the knuckle in place and the rear right tire almost finished. One of the big lower points is when I knocked the Corvette off the jack stands, the car sliding towards the house coming up just short of hitting the new siding. It would have been the lowest of low points if I’d hit the siding. Another low point I was working on the fuel gauge, everything was going really well. Elena broke two of the screws holding the pump in place. No problem, I thought, I can drill them out. I purchased a brand new fuel pump, the old one was so rusted, it fell into two parts when I took it out. I managed to get all the rust out and I went to drill out the broken screw and I ruined the other holes by drilling the holes through to the interior of the tank. It can be fixed, but oops. The holes with the broken screw I managed to widen them. After talking with my brother, Eric, I purchased a new tank, fuel lines and straps. He said with brand new there will be no problem cropping up like the interior of ta 40 year old tank coming apart and fowling everything, Elena seems to only work on the car when I’m there, so this past Sunday we put all of the wheels back on the car and decided to get the engine going, which if we knew the car was going to end up at home we would have started with. During the last two weeks every time I turn around Nastia is going away. She went with Sean, Jessica and Elena to the Jersey shore one day, then she went to the beach with JJ and Nancy and maybe someone who drove better than Nancy or Nastia. After that she went to Robert Moses State park on Long Island where she got hit by a hurricane inspired wave and fractured her scapula in her shoulder. That was on August 21st, I believe. If that date sounds familiar, she broke or fractured her foot a year ago at a party in Orange County. And if memory serves back in 2009 when we went to Russia to pick up the girls Nastia had a cast on her arm. That was around September 10th when we arrived, she could have broken it on August 21st. So maybe she should wrap herself in bubble wrap and stay home on that day. After braking her arm at Robert Moses State park, and spending most of the night there, she and Sean came home and promptly headed for the great state of Maine. About an hour into the trip the car overheats. Sean says it has never done that and his father said he checked the radiator and he must have not secured the cap causing it to overheat. When Sean told me this, he paused. I think waiting for me to tell him to come home. I’d said they should come home earlier and that they should make a fresh start the next day, but I didn’t. I told him if he says the car has never overheated and he feels safe it can make it, it’s their decision. They made it there and tonight they make it back long enough to maybe use the bathroom and say hello before they left again to sleep over JJ’s house and go to the beach tomorrow.

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