Monday, March 4, 2024

Poker on a Saturday night (Texas Hold em)

Sean and Nastia were only eating dinner out, then going to the 'Last Chance Salon'. Sean didn't want to go, so they ended up home. Elena, now the officially single girl in town, had plans of drinking and playing XBox. Teri and I weren't going to the movies. Her sister, Nancy has an abscess in her finger and went to the emergency room. She was supposed to take care of KJ, while the recently moved in Amanda went to work. With Nancy out of the picture,Teri stepped in.
Around 7-8 PM I’m doing nothing and start thinking about the poker night I’ve wanted to hold at work and talked about through the last few years. I thought a dry run with the girls and Sean might be fun. I’d invite ATeri, but she’s not into that much. To my surprise Nastia, Sean and Elena were all up for the idea. None of them had ever played Texas hold 'em so we started with several open hands. I’d explain as we went along. During the game Nastia and Elena drank,while Sean less so did. It took several rounds for them to get an idea of how it went and the more they drank and the more they knew ow to play the more fun they had. We played for several hours and I ended it around 10:30 or so. I then asked if they wanted to try Black Jack, Vegas style. It’s very simple, everyone plays against the house and I was the house. A few minute demonstration game went for almost another hour. The whole night was loud and fun. In Texas Hold em Sean won the first several rounds and I had to steal from the bank to keep going. After a while I added in Nastia and Elena. It wasn’t real money, so some of our bets were really dumb. I tried to bluff a couple of time and everytime Nastia got a good card she’d make a sound. Elena asked me several times how her hand is and I’d tell her and Nastia and Sean would tell her they heard me. I don’t have a church whisper, I guess. It was a really fun night and they want to do it again sometime. My next step is to take the game to work and run a tournament. Oh, boy!

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