Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Nasia goes to a club and she takes a trip (fall)

Saturday, the day before Nastia's trip she is home. Teri agreed to baby sit KJ and Nastia is asked to help before she goes to a club on the Hudson in Newburgh that evening. She watches the baby until about 4 in the afternoon. Watching a baby more so when they are fussy like KJ is that afternoon is hard work. I just watched and I am tired after she hands him off to Teri.
Nastia asks me my opinion on what dress to wear for her grand evening. She shows me a snug fitting red dress that she does fill out nicely. I tell her it is a sexy dress. She shows me a black dress. I ask her which is more comfortable. She tells me the black one. I tell her she should wear the black one and even though heels look great, to wear flats if she is going to dance. Later in the afternoon, about the time Sean and Nastia are going, she comes down the stairs in the red dress. I notice, she looks at me and says, “Sean liked the way I look in the red dress better.” I asked her to take some pictures for me. As they head out the door Teri and I tell them to be safe and have fun. Later in the week Nastia will tell stories of the night. How Arrianna starts talking with these two guys, who have a boat and even though she is told to stick together, she goes to see the boat, coming back about twenty minutes later. Nastia tells me that while dancing she dips down and her dress rides up a bit too much. Sean notices and gives a quick pull down. I'm sorry, I need to make the joke, dis-ass-ter avoided. She said she was wearing a thong, so Sean catches a full moon. Even for me theses joke... I'm sorry there funny, I've got a smile on my face as I write them.
Later in the evening I’ll get a couple of pictures of her and Sean and a second of her and Arriana. They have reserved a room somewhere up there so we will not see them until Sunday. On Sunday, I’m sitting in the chair in the living room when I hear footsteps on the stairs going down and out the door. That is all I will see of her, Sean and Elena until 12:30 AM. Teri and I have a quiet dinner, leftovers I believe. Sometime around 7:30 I get a phone call from Nastia. I hear some strain in her voice and I hope that there has not been a car accident and everyone is okay. I then hear Sean’s voice and he goes on to explain that Nastia was riding a bike with hand brakes and she is heading for a tree and can’t stop, so like any sane person she jumped off. Somehow in the jump she landed poorly, hurting her left foot and can’t walk on it. At this time they are heading to immediate Medical Care. It’s Sunday around 7:30 and none will be open. They end up at the hospital in Middletown. She is still in pain and now the wait begins. Sometime around 9 she is seen and an x-ray taken. She has broken the fifth metatarsal bone. In English, it’s the outside of the foot nearer the little toe than the ankle. She is put in a walking cast and has to see an orthopedic surgeon to see what the next step is.
They arrive home at 12:30. Teri and I went to bed at 11:00 and I’d fallen asleep. When they come in Mesha barks and I wake up, my heart bounding. Nastia is like a drunk with crutches and needs help wherever she goes. Everyone settles into bed and eventually everyone goes to sleep. Elena gets up early to walk Matt and her new dog, at the time residing at Matt’s. I get up and go to work. Teri gets up and will eventually fall asleep in the chair. Sean calls in and switches his day off and sleeps in. Nastia will spend the day in bed. Not that she can’t move around, she just doesn’t try. Day 2 Nastia does move around. She’ll be in the cast for about six weeks. It’s a removable cast and eventually she will remove it to shower. Tuesday, we have dinner and everyone is gathered around the table. Elena reads a text from Matt outload. He is returning the dog to the shelter. His mom has issues with pets and the dog, his name is Raman, a two year old is not following the rules. So Elena and Matt’s first born is being returned. Raman is a boy, otherwise we’d have considered taking the dog. Since Bandi’s death, Athena and Mesha have almost acted like friends. Introduce another male and it might go back to the way it was with Athena restricted to the couch by Mesha. It would not be fair.

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