Thursday, April 13, 2023

Easter 2023 Elena goes to Matt's for passover, the Mustang and bowling

Nasia and I hung out over the weekend. Sean had two Easter’s to go to. The first one Nastia accompanied him. It was held at Sean’s uncle's house. A very nice place, Nastia said. They both got back around 10:30 that evening. Sean slept over and left Sunday morning to go back to Orange County for his second Easter, I assume with his father. Sunday morning, I’m outside working on the screening for the blueberries (I’ll explain. I am putting up netting so the birds don’t eat the blueberries.) and she comes out to hang out with me. After a while I ask her why is she here and not with Sean? She says he left for his second Easter before she came out. Teri made ham, corn souffle, pineapple casserole, potatoes and some vegetables for dinner. She did everything except the carrots that Nancy bought over. Teri said dinner was going to be at 2 PM. It wasn’t even a Muller 2 PM either, it was almost exactly 2 when we sat down for dinner. There were five for dinner this Easter. Amanda couldn’t make it, Sean was in Orange County for dinner and Matt might have been working. I didn't take an Easter picture, so I used a picture of the asparagas growing in the garden.
I wanted to make dessert, but Teri asked me to let her make it and she made this stuff called fluff or something like that, it was good. Like I always do, I was planning to make a dessert, some rugelach. I’ve never made it, so why not make it on a holiday for dessert. What could go wrong. I’ll wait while you tick off all the things in the past that have gone wrong… I think that is enough. It would have come out great, maybe not in a timely fashion, but it would have been great. And yes it is more of a passover dessert, but, well you know, it’s good. I was even thinking of making hamantaschen. Yes, that is also more of a passover dessert. Ah, America that vast interwoven tapestry. My brother Eric and his family were a group of only four at Easter this year too, I believe, so maybe next year we should combine them. A few days before Easter on Thursday, Elena went to passover dinner with Matt and his mom. She didn’t say too much about the night, but she came back with some leftover Elena has gotten it into her head she wants to fix the Mustang. The Tuesday after Easter she brought home a battery for the car, the first step in getting it going. I really don’t know how that car has gotten so old. I just bought it yesterday (October 2000), or maybe it was last week, it was really recent.
I also hope she doesn’t view this like the bottle of 43 I bought one day. That bottle her and her sister finished off on me and they then went out and purchased a new bottle that mysteriously then became their’s. It's funny how that works. Last night, the third to last week of bowling, Nastia after bowling a 111 in the first game, starts the second game, with a strike, then she throws a second and then a third. After that she throws an open (8 pins) and I think it is all over. In the next three frames she throws three more strikes., then a spare. At that point you start to think it is possible for her to reach 200, which is the promised land for amateur bowlers. She opens in the ninth, leaving her with a 189, still a chance. For the last few frames I’ve noticed she is throwing the ball softer. I don’t want to say anything that might ruin the moment. Nastia never the superstitious one is talking about it asking if she gets this how many pins will she get. I really want to tell her it’s like in baseball. If you are pitching a no hitter, you don’t talk about it, it’s a jinx. Come the tenth frame, I throw out all superstition and tell her to go up and just throw the ball. Don’t think about it. She needs a mark plus pins to get 200+. Her last throw is a nine and she misses the ten pin. She ends up with a 198. I go to the front desk get her score announced. Coming back from the front desk I notice some wise has eleven strikes in a row. On his last throw he leaves the ten pin for a score of 299, amazing.

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