Monday, January 9, 2023

All too rare

Nastia came home early (9:30) from a date with Sean. They went to the mall to find a charger cable for her car for her phone. Elena went out with Matt, he has the week free for some reason, so Elena alerted us to the fact she'd invited him to dinner every night this week. When I texted to be sure who was coming to dinner she said they were going out.
So Shrimp scampi was rescheduled for Tuesday and replaced with leftovers. Teri talked about sliced London Broil sandwiches, but I thought there wasn't enough, there was, but it was too late.
After a thrilling evening watching TV while Teri slept a good sleep, as I said earlier. Nastia came home. About an hour later, more or less Elena follows. Soon afterwards Teri heads upstairs and the girls follow. I hear all three of them laughing and having a good time. In the background I hear a buzzing sound. No more humming. Nastia is trying out her mother's waterpik. If water picks have gone the way of the dodo bird I'll explain. They shot a stream of water into your mouth to clean the teeth without all the abrasion of a toothbrush. They laugh, Teri says, " Keep your mouth open, watch out you're getting it all over." Nastia, always the one who's game for silliness. I stood at the bottom of the stairs listening to the fun they were having , wanting to join them, but I felt if I did the magic of that moment would be broken and I'd be sorry. I listened a little while longer until I started to feel like an invader, a snoop, someone eavesdropping on a private conversation. I left as quietly as I'd snuck there feeling a little left out, but happy they had shared those brief moments of sheer silliness together.

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