Saturday, December 3, 2022

Nastia's Birthday, she's now 24...*

* There's those three dots again...
Nastia turned twenty-four sometime today. She was born, as everybody knows in Obluche' Russia. A small town somewhere in the far east of Russia, fifteen hour ahead of the east coast of the United States. A running joke back when we were adopting them was if you want to know the future call me and I'd tell you. We adopted Nastia and Elena a few years before Putin cut off adoptions because of a slight by America. In reality he was trying to build the Russian population even if it meant denying some wonderful, beautiful children loving families. So you see even back then Putin had plans, sick as they may have been.
Nastia took off today (Saturday) and tomorrow (Sunday), the second to last weekend she'll be working at Stop and Shop, to celebrate her birthday. I was not in a mood to do anything today either. I'm getting over a small cold and I'm, oh so looking forward to that colonoscopy on Monday. So Nastia settled in with me sometime around noon to watch dumb movies. We watched The two Addam's Family movies from the 90's starring Raoul Julia. The actress from The Addam's family movies who plays Wednesday, Christina Ricci is in the series 'Wednesday' now on Netflix. Hey future people, does Netflix still exist or has it gone the way of compuServe and MaBell?
Teri comes home from doing groceries and after they are put away and we are ready to leave, we leave. We pick up my mom and head up to Gilligans. I haven't been there since Nastia's last birthday we had up there two years ago, I think. We are a group of seven tonight. Teri, Nancy, Nastia, Elena, Sean,My mom and myself. Jessica, if she wasn't working would have make it eight. They bring bread, and we order appetizers and drinks. Elena orders a grapefruit mojito. Teri tells her she won't like it. She says she will, but she drinks it slolwly. Eventually Teri will drink part of it. After mussels and fried calamari. Next come the salades and finally the main meal come.
During dinner all around us people are having birthdays. One waitress sings happy birthday to the tune of Gilligan's Island. It was pretty cool.
The dinners don't disappear as quickly as the bread and appatizers. Everyone is full when th emain meals hit our table. The food is good and as I was raised I cleaned my plate and God did I over eat. Nastia finds room for a chocolate lava cake. The waiter puts a candle in it and a broken Happy Birthday is sung to Nastia. After dinner we drop off people and Teri's and my night is over. Elena goes to bed complaining that Matt wants her to get up early to go to this Elephant thing in Connecticut Sunday when she rather sleep in. >
Nastia is going to a Hotel or maybe a Motel called 'The Element'. It is Spring Valley near the Costco, I think. She says, "It's nice." Sean is sitting at the table yawning and well...They left about nine and Nastia promised to text or call when they got there. It's a little after ten and she just texted she arrived there. I won't go into this subject beyond to say, I like Sean and I can't control everything they do. /

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