Friday, December 16, 2022


I test positive for Covid, Teri tests positive for Covid, Elena tests negative and Nastia, who's been hacking and coughing like she trying to thrown up a lung tests nevative. Of course Nastia is the one who insists on living life as if nothing is wrong. She goes out with Sean, she spends money she doesn't have. She goes bowling on Wednesday with Sean. Life is good, she is twenty-four and the future is not today. Then Thursday morning, I'm in the chair in the living room, you know self isolating in front of the TV. I haven't felt too bad this whole Covid time and 'Thank You Dr. Fauci', I'm updated on my shots. I hear someone upstairs gaging like they were trying not to throw up. Some quick foot steps to the bathroom and now they are thrwing up. I know it's Nastia, so I stay in the chair. I'm thinking karma. She's been told to stay home because she is sick, but refused to listen. Teri walks from the kitchen and hers her. There is sudden deep concern in her voice. I'm thinking Nastia can hold her own hair back as she prays to the porcelain queen. Teri yells upstairs, "Nastia is everything alright?!!" No it's not, I think as I listen and again think karma. And hey, we're not even to the fun part yet. Teri goes upstairs to hold her hair back or whatever a second person does when you're throwing up. I've always done that by myself. Teri comes down, about twenty minutes later, Nastia comes down fully dressed like she is going somewhere. I'm sorry, I have to sit back and watch. It's like a car accident that you know is going to happen. There is nothing you can do to stop it, but you can't look away either. Teri sees her,"Why are you dressed, you're not going anywhere!" This is where it gets fun. Nastia replys, full of her usual vim and vigor* (Energy and enthusiasm,Back in the dark ages of my youth, 'vim and vigor' were used more often.) "I'm not sicc,(I know it's spelt sick, but it's supposed to imply her stuffy nose affecting the way she talks.) I'm going out." The overprotective mother alert system came on line the moment the wrong end of one of her children (If it was me, she'd tell me to make sure I flush and don't miss) pointed towards the porcelain queen. From here on, no one gets out alive. "What do you mean, you're not sick! You were just upstairs throwing up!" Nastia tries to parry the assault, but it is weak, "I threw up because I took medicine!!" "Nastia," her mother sensing weakness attempts to go for the kill, "You are sick,you are not going out, go upstairs and change!" Nastia knowing she is losing pulls out the nuclear option, and it might have worked, "I'm twenty-four and you can't..." the rest trails off as she opens and leans into the garbage can to throw up. Now please remember the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Some incidences have been condensed due to time constraints, but the end result is real...hehe
This time I act like the gentleman I am and hold open the garbage can and tell Teri who doesn't like her throwing up in the garbage can 'it's alright'. Teri makes me promise I will throw the brand new bag away. Nastia after a few minutes is done. Later while she is having breakfast,video chatting with Sean, I will show Sean the pictures of her throwing up into the garbage can. Nastia tells me,"Don't show him the video." I didn't take a video and now I feel I've missed out on a special event in my daughter's life.You know, You can't go home again, it's so sad!! (hehe) *The noun vim is thought to come from the Latin vis, meaning strength and energy, and became American slang around the mid-1800s. Vigor, on the other hand, has meant energetic strength since the 1300s.

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