Saturday, August 6, 2022

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to.*

Yeah, I had to look her name up too, Lesley Gore A couple of days before Friday, Nastia says she has invited people over to go swimming. Teri and I were both ok with that. On Friday, a few minutes to four I get a text from Teri. She says there was apparently a pizza guy at the door at the house. Teri could see him from the ring camera, but couldn't speak to him (modern technology sometimes it sucks, other times it half works) She sees Nastia's car is there so she calls her phone, no answer. She calls it a second time and Arriana answers and says Nastia is asleep and she can't wake her. Teri says to pull her hair. Nastia gets on the phone and in a drunk voice is talking to Teri saying she is not drunk. I tell Teri, I'll be home in an hour. A little later I get a message from Nastia saying that her mother is leaving work early and coming home. I call Teri and tell her she doesn't have to, I'll be there a little after five. But Teri is hell bent on finding out what is going on at the house, as I guess I should have. Later I'll learn more about what was happening. I call Teri and tell her not to yell at Nastia, but to talk. Teri is angry. I tell her if she yells, Nastia will miss the message. She promises to not yell. Later I find out when Teri gets home she asks Nastia to come here so they can talk and Nastia is the first to yell, "I'm not drunk." I don't rush home with Teri there handling things. I go to get the Algeacide for the green pool. When I arrive Kevin is cleaing up the trash from their food. Nastia is inside with Arrianna, I think and Jessie with her son might be inside too. Maybe Dylan is inside too. The thing Teri is most upset about is there is Jessie's son who doesn't swim at a party with a group of people over twenty-one (notice I didn't say adults) and no one is really watching. It reminds me of a movie filmed around Rockland maybe twenty, thirty years ago called 'Driving in Cars with Boys. The teen mother is drinking with her friend and not watching her son who is near the pool and he falls in. Neither of the two girls notices until it is almost too late. I go upstairs, Nastia is in her room cleaning up some clothes. We start talking, she occationally weaves back and forth and says she is not drunk. She says she has alot of things on her mind and starts to cry a little. I'm a sucker for tears, as I guess most guys are.She tells me she is upset that her former boyfriend left her to become a fuckboy. I had to ask what that is. I remember when I was cool and knew what all the cool terms were. She says he left her to go sleep around. I asked how is that going? I think she smiles a little and doesn't say anything. People wander away. All the excitement/drama is over. Later Teri and I will discuss all the fun of the day. We'll talk about Jessie and Nastia drinking/smoking and how they both need to be careful. I know at least one comes from alcoholic parents. Teri will comment that Nastia cried with her, cried while walking with Jessie, then Teri will say drunk girls cry. She's not unfeeling for Nastia's feelings, just for Nastia being drunk. She has little patients for drunks. It's a real good thing she didn't know me when I was younger. She still won't let me live down that last night in Vegas when she played Nickle slots and I snuck out to a strip club and got really wasted. I think I've told that story before. If I haven't send a self addressed stamped envelop...opps there goes all the millennials again. I just checked, I've been making fun of the wrong group.I've wanted to make fun of the post 2000's people. The good old Gen Z'r it turns out are the ones who have no idea how to write a check or in script or mail a letter. So to all those Millennial's I've been tweeking, not tworking, hell I'm a WASP, I'd break a hip. Hell, I can't do it, I can't apologize. Let's leave it as an unspoken one then, mostly because both of those generations have their noses in their phone and with their short attation span** thier not listening any way to me now. Generation Z Generation Z – often referred to as Digital Natives or the iGeneration – is the cohort that comes after generation Y, also known as the Millennials. Gen Z starts from around 1997 till 2012 which means they are currently somewhere between 9 and 25 years old. **8 seconds Generation Z has become a prominent generation when marketing on social media. This is because it has always been surrounded by technology. However, this has played a significant role in the decrease of their attention span. The Gen Z attention span is a mere 8 seconds. /

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