Saturday, July 16, 2022

It Beachin weather.. *

This is a short one. The girls went to the beach. Elena went on Tuesday with Matt and unfortunately the beach fell on its side and walking was very tough. Elena didn't tell me this because she rarely tells me anything, except when she is drunk. She doesn't know, "Loose Lips, sink Ships"**. I still have secrets she told me and if you want to know them, send a self addressed, stamped envelope to ...Yeah, I've totally lost all the millennials. I lost most of them when I told them to do something, all the rest left and went to asked their parents what a stamp is and why do they need one. Suffice to say*** from the picture even though the beach was steep that day, the sun was out and she was with her friend (that day) Matt, at the beach.
Now Nastia went to the beach yesterday,sans Kevin. (There's that great word again, see the other days blog) She sends pictures around 3PM and I'm thinking she never told anyone she was going. I wait to see where this will go. Teri starts by asking, Where are you? Nastia, ever the one to supply information says, Jersey shore, then adds Seaside to the text. I eventually jump after Teri has said Didn't know, with She never said she was going. Somewhere in the back of my brain I hear a voice faintly, that I don't listen to
saying yes, she did. Teri texts "Niiiice so had we gotten a messge from the state police???" I'm sorry, but that is where Teri goes all the time in situations like this. It's like that TV show 'Life in Pieces' that I always like to reference,"Honey, you know that thing that you said would probably never happen..." or something like that ( I guess since no one will ever look up the scene, I can make them say anything I want.) It'll probably never happen, but it does happen to other people and sometimes we're the other people. I ask her to not be too late, to be safe. They eat at Chili's stuck in the mud somewhere in the swamps of Jersey**** And She manages to text me at 11:35 that she is back in New City._______________________________ * I know , not very original ** All the baby-boomers know where that comes from, their dads who went to WW2. For me, it comes from Bugs Bunny cartoons from the 1940's when Bugs Bunny went to war with Hitler and the Japanese. ***Another one of those great words I like: be enough or adequate."a quick look should suffice" Similar: be enough, be sufficient, be adequate ****I couldn't resist added a little Bruce Springsteen for all his fans. "And my tires were slashed and I almost crashed, but the Lord had mercy And my machine, she's a dud, out stuck in the mud somewhere in the swamps of Jersey

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