Monday, February 28, 2022

Everybody has a hickey except me, should I feel left out?

Well it's really just Elena and Nastia who have them, but should I feel left out? Elena broke up with Matt a while ago and before I found out about it she she had gotten a new hair cut. It was short, dyed red and she had it standing up. I commented that I liked the way it looked. When Teri saw it she told Elena it was too short. Then a day or so later, maybe more I find out from Teri that Elena and Matt have broken up. Over the weekend all four of us were helping Nancy move into the new condo, new to her, not new to the planet, in
Valley Cottage, when I noticed three hickeys on her neck,Elena's, not Nancy's. I start making jokes about them. I also notice they are lighter in color then previous ones, hummm. That lends a little creedence to her statements that they are old, but they weren't there before. Being the juvenile I am I make all the appropriate jokes, you know all the ones you heard in middle school. She went fishing and caught a sucker fish, she was hammering nails and the hammer bounced back and got her on the neck. There's lots more, but there all last century jokes...oh wait, I just remembered an other one...she was vacuuming and slipped. I commented later in the day to Teri about the closed book of Elena and Teri makes a surprise comment that she
know nothing about what is going on in Nastia's life and to give her this. I was very taken back (I just looked up 'taken back' and the Grammer Book defines it as a corruption of taken aback meaning to be taken by surprise, The snarky (we've talked about that word) Urban Dictionary cautions that taken back is used by semieducated morons who mean to say taken aback. I'm sorry taken aback sounds pompous, you know irritatingly grand, looked that up too.) Wait, where we're we? Oh yes, I was taken aback. Did I really use that? Well, I never considered that Teri had the in with Elena, whatever that means and she didn't have a channel to Nastia.Nastia talks to me and tells me things and I never considered that Teri didn't know them or atleast most of them. Nastia, I noticed had a small hickey on her neck on Sunday. I pointed it out and was surprised to hear that her boyfriend's family, specifically his mother didn't like seeing them on Nastia because she was afraid of what we would think. I was taken aback, damn, will I be able to stop using that phrase now!! I really didn't think they gave a damn about what we thought. I was going to write somethings and I even started to when I thought better of it. I'm not there and I don't know his parents, hell, I don't even know him, so I'm stopping. /

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