Tuesday, January 11, 2022

New Years Eve, day and about a week or so into January and a COVID break through

I've forgotten most of the intimate details for the first week of January, but I'll make some stuff up that will be interesting then what happened during this latest CoVID Omacron surge.Teri and I declined an invitation to Eric and Lynn's for a small New Years Eve gathering (that's true). The latest incantation of Covid, Omacron has put most everyone back on their heals as far as comfort going out and about (that's also true). Of course the girls still go on as if life is all the same(yes, stil very true).
Nastia worked New Years day, so she was around New Years eve, but up in her room most likely taking to her boyfriend (yes, true). Elena, on the other hand saw the New Year in at her boyfriend's Matt's house. It was not a large gathering, maybe his mother was there(most likely true). Teri and I watched movies, slept some up until 11, then put on the news(sadly true). Nastia comes down sometime during the evening and at midnight I kissed Teri and she kissed me and Nastia, it's 2022. This year I did say 22 will be better then 21. I stopped saying it in 2019 when I thought 2018 wasn't better then 2017. Well I learned my leason about how bad things can get. But I must be positive. And I am positive, I know things will get worse, I'm positive about that, no, that is just a joke. I'm hoping that the worst is behind us as far as COVID is concerned. We have been very lucky and no one has gotten sderiously sick from it. Let's kind on hoping our luck continues. I always thought on New Years day we had a dinner of ham. I kept talking about having ham for dinner, but no one wanted to have anything special. Teri said and was right that we buy a large ham and the majority of it will be wasted. She did find a small ham in Costco we had it I believe the following weekend and it was excellent. Elena's New Year's eve was spent over Matt's and like usual she didn't offer up much about what she did there. She was told to be home by 1 in the morning and she was. It was a very boring COVID New Year's eve. Everyone I know as far as I know has had all of their shots and gotten their booster. I was reflecting the other day how fortunate we have all been. There was a time early in this pandemic when everytime you turned around someone was saying they had lost someone to COVID. My family and friends seemed to have been spared. In my immediate family Nastia and Elena working in grocery stores, looking back it is a mircle that neither of them contracted COVID. Late last week on maybe a Thursday Elena said she felt like she had a cold. Teri said to go get tested. I'd have told her to take cold medicine. She gets tested and there is a couple of days waiting peroid. She goes to work on Saturday and Sunday, She also goes to see Matt. Her result came back yesterday, Monday, she has COVID. So now she has to isolate for the next five days, it used to be ten. For her this is the ultimate vacation, do nothing, sleep as late as she wants and get served her meals at her door and even eat in her room. I'm sure she is wondering why she didn't get COVID before this. I wouldn't be this light hearted about it if she didn't have all of her shots and she most likely has Omicron which is highly contagious, but in most people who have their shots it's not at all that bad. I don't think she is even taking any medicine. /

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