Monday, September 27, 2021

Going to the football game and rooting for the wrong team

Nastia spent about $258.00 to go to a football game at Giant Stadium with Branden. THe seats were pretty good, not great from the pictures and the weather was warm. It's just that Branden is a Falcon fan and the Falcon's beat the Giants 17-13, so he was happy. And yes they did survive rooting for the wrong team at Giant stadium. I don't think it is called that any more. I think it is Met Life stadium.
She got up early on Sunday about 8:45. Said her good byes and Brendan texted he was here and off she went. THey had something to eat at Chili's. Nastia spent $58.00 there. Someone needs to put their hand in their pocket a little less often.
Again the weather was perfect, sunny and warm.She sent several pictures I asked for. The game ended a little after 4 PM and she came home a little before curfew at 11 PM and went to bed. I was in the shower, so I have not quotes from her how she enjoyed the game. As is Elena's habit, she asked if Matt could come over for dinner. It was at least a Sunday and as Teri and I have always wanted to encourage the boyfriends to come over and be comfortable we said yes. Teri was planning to cook this really good dish of that she saw on the show 'Pioneer Women'. It has spinach, pesto, mozzarella,raviolis and some other things. Teri doubles the recipe and the four of us sit down to dinner. All dinner long Elena, who doesn't like spinach picks the spinach out from between the raviolis and put it on Matt's plate. She must have taken a corner that had extra spinach. After a while Matt doesn't want any more, so Elena then starts to give it to Teri, then to me. It was a good dinner.
My phone just buzzed. Google photos just reminded me that twelve years ago today we were in Moscow, living in a hotel room in the former Olyampic Village.
The first night in Moscow from Birobidjan we tried to go see the Moscow Circus, but with the time difference and the long day and all the other things we only stayed for the first half of the show. We left the hotel and went into the Moscow underground catching our very first subway ride in Moscow. We still couldn't understand the cyrilic writting so CJ one of the two other people along to adopt kids showed us the right station to get off and the station we left from.
I took a short video of it. I wish I'd taken more videos of the entire trip. We went to the Moscow Circus because we thought it was a once in a life time chance and I don't regret it. The best part of the night was when we were eating street food outside of the venue. Almost immediately after we sat down the girls still only about forty pounds each squeezed themselves into a position to lie down and go to sleep. At intermission even Teri and I were looking to go to sleep. Leaving we run into CJ and Fran, who were also too tired to stay. All of us together went back to the hotel. It was just one of those memorable nights back then.

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