Friday, August 20, 2021

Sleepovers and dinners are the big thing now

Nastia informs Teri and I she is again sleeping over JJ's house. She is going to go out drinking on Tuesday night and she wants me to driver them over to D&D's in New City again. She then sweetly asks me for twenty dollars. It's funny how she goes out drinking and I end up light in the wallet and end up with the hang over. On Tuesday, Teri and I are warming up left overs from Amici's in Central Nyack, but it's about time to pick up Nastia. Dinner is put on hold and off I unde I pick them up from JJ's house and drop them at D&D's. I scrape my right rear tire against the curb and wonder if I ruined my rim and tire I scrape so hard. I hung Nastia, tell her to be safe and offer again to pick her up when she wants to leave. She declines saying they have a ride. I climb into bed around 11:30. I text her that I will have my phone on if she needs me and my offer to pick her up still stands. I my surprise she texts back saying they are tired and would I pick them up. I am surprised and pleased she wants to leave. Sleeping will be alot easier now. It takes a few minutes to leave and I'm at the bar in under ten minutes. They are out side waiting and it seems they have had very little to drink. I drive them to JJ's hug Nastia, tell her good night and she gets out and walks disappearing into the darkness of the driveway and she is gone. I wait a few moments and think I see shadows at a distant light. I put the car in gear and down a quick K turn and head home. I don't like a home without the girls in it. It's quiet. Nastia bowls on Wednesday and she again sleeps over JJ's house. I see her for the first time Thursday evening when she and her mother who left work early because of a fire alarm are in the process of making dinner, little tomates cooked in oilover pasta, it's good. Elena works and hangs out with Matt most evening. On Wednesday Teri and I get a text that Elena has invited Matt over for dinner. Elena is asked again what she is cooking for dinner. Teri comes up with Yankee Tower Meatloaf burgers. This is my invention. I invented it one night short of time and I wanted Yankee Tower Meatloaf. Make Yankee Tower Meatloaf is simple and easy. 2lbs meat, an onion, swiss cheese, american cheese, an egg, bread crumbs and two beef bullion cubes. It needs to cook for an hour.Make it into burgers, put them in cast iron pans or whatever and as soon as the cheese begins to run from the burger, it's done. When I get home I tell Elena she is going to help me cook. Matt always ever ready to pitch in offers help too. I give Elena as much as I can to do. She cuts the cheese, adds the ingredents. We also cook mac and cheese and when Elena opens by mistake a can of cream corn we are making corn fritters. Another easy thing to make. Can of cream corn, an egg, salt and pepper add flour until the mixture plops when you drop it in. This is a very technical term. Take a spoon and sometimes, if your good you can use a fork. The adventurous ones will use a whisp. Scoop up some of the mixture after everything has been added and drop it back in to the bowl from a distance and listen. If you hear plop, it's ready to cook. You want a delicate sound. The louder the plop the thicker the fritter. It's a learning process. I remember my om telling me her father told her this was how to make corn fritter. After sixty-three and a half years this is one of my only connects to the man. Teri comes home and start picking in even when I tell her to go into the other room and relax. Her reply, "There's something called team work." I tell her she has nad a rough day and can use a break. She continues to clean up. This meal is one of those time I seemed to use ever pot and pan in the kitchen. We sit down to dinner sometime around 8:30. And yes I did tell the social worker we ate dinner at 6:30 every night twelve years ago. Teri and I are pleased that Matt feels comfortable enough to feel his plate and then go back for seconds. He even takes a burger home with him. I happy he is this comfortable here. This is why I want Brandon to come over so he is this comfortable and I don't feel I have to entertain him when he comes over. I can be myself and ignore him and watch TV like I do when Matt come over. That's not completely true, it's still my goal. Dinner then clean up and Teri and I sit down infront of the TV around 10. It was a long day, but dinner was good and at least at this writting both of our daughters are happy and safe. Nastia just left for work fifteen minutes ago. She is working 9-5 and will be home for dinner. Elena is working 10-6 and seeing Matt tonight, so it three for dinner on Friday tonight. /

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