Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Nastia goes drinking

I'm very conflicted about what I am going to write today. Going out drinking with friends is a ritual most everyone has gone through. I'm conflicted because Elana's and Nastia's Russian mother from what I have learned was an alcoholic and she died very young. I have freely provided both of my daughters with alcohol (god that sounds real bad) and Teri and I have monitored their drinking so that their experiences don't get out of control and they have respect and an awareness of what could happen when they drink. It all boils down to a line in a TV show I used to watch called 'life in pieces'. One charactor says to the other, "You know that thing you said would probably never happen, I think it has." Teri and I believe all the things we tell our daughters to be aware of will probably never happen, but they need to be aware they could. Nastia a few days ago announces she is going to go out drinking with her friends . They are going to a bar in New City with friend from work, a guy friend. Nastia talks to Branden about it and he asks that Jessie go with her (Nastia also calls her JJ). I'm at work when Nastia calls and tells me it is just her and JJ, so could I drive them over to the bar. I try to convince them to go local, but The Peppermill grill is closed on Mondays and they didn't want to go to Ricks Club. I get home as Nastia is going to pick JJ up. When they get back I ask if anyone has eaten? Nastia hasn't. A bad start to the night.JJ promises to make sure she eats something. I give the speach about not accepting drinks from guys and leaving each other alone. And Teri adds the down leave your drink unattended (Rohypnol, The date rape drug is the refrence) I drive them over to D and D's in New City. I asked them what time can I pick them up? Nastia says her curfew is 11. What time do I want her home?I look at the clock in my car, it says 7:42 and I say 7:42. JJ the wise ass says AM? It's agreed I will pick them up at 11.I drop them off, swing around the parking lot and see them sitting outside. I wonder if they are having trouble getting in, Nastia does look like she is fourteen still. I leave. Later that night Teri and I get a tornado warning for the area. Teri wants to call Nastia. I say leave it be, you know it's one of those things that probably won't happen, but could. We see some amazing lighting come out of the western sky. Nastia later will tell me she missed it, she was inside while it happened. Elena will ride it out at Matt's texting us she is staying at her boyfriend's until it is over. She is always willing to make the big sacrifice. The storm passes and about 10:30 I text Nastia I'm coming to pick them up a little early, she texts, ok. I get over there at 10:50 and text Nastia, I'm there, no answer, three minutes later, I text again, no answer, two minutes later again, no answer. I text again and this time I say please answer me, I get no answer. I get out of my car and head over to the door. I see them outside laughing and sort of walking. I say hello to them not saying anything about the texts, you know because, you know it is one of those things that probably won't happen and didn't. I drive JJ home and they both tell me about there night. JJ tells how she slipped Nastia a sprite instead of a 7 and 7. Nastia tells me how she drank a Mike's hard lemonade, started a second and smoked some weed (pot!) outside the bar. And how the bartender refused to serve her. She thought she was more high then drunk. different sides of the same coin. I get Nastia inside and we go upstairs. Nasita wants to do it again she says. I watch over her going up the stairs and when I watch her brushing her teeth, Teri has had enough of my babying her and sends me away. I don't want to go, I'm enjoying myself, but I go. Teri takes over and after my shower I go in and say good night to Elena,then Nastia. Nasita is on her bed still dressed and she is facetiming Branden. I remind her that drunk facetiming is as bad as drunk texting. Things get said you can't take back and I leave. It's a night I'm sure she will not remember. Not because of alcohol or weed (pot!), but because of the things that could have happened,that didn't, thank god. /

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