Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Hiking and the warm weekend

Elena and Matt decided to go for a hike. When I first heard about it I thought Ok, they are going to walk around Rockland Lake or something like that. Well it turns out that they were going to Bear Mountain. I've been to Bear Mountain but never hiked. My Mom has hiked alot of the trail in the county and I should have talked to her about it so she could have guided them. My only advice was to take a picture of the trail marker so if they got lost I could tell the search dogs where to look for the bodies. A day or so before the hike she brings home this back pack. It's a beautiful thing. I think she paid a good dollar for it.It's green and light weight, has a pull cord at the top. It's just very nice. The day before the hike, She makes sandwiches for her and Matt. I'm sorry, but I find that so cute.Elena being
domestic and showing she cares for someone so much she'll make him a sandwich. It's too cute. The Morning of the hike she is packing the back pack with freezer packs and all the stuff they think they will need. I relax and think if they get lost we'll just follow the stuff they throw out of the pack when they realize
it's too damn heavy to be lugging all over god's creation. I make a comment about the weight of it and Elena tries to heft it onto her back. She admits it's heavy, but takes nothing out of the pack. Matt comes and picks her up and off they go. After a while, maybe two, three hours Teri and I haven't heard from
her.So I text her and ask for some pictures. She sends pictures of the trail, Matt walking away from her on the trail, pictures of grass and trees. I text her back and ask for a picture of them together. She sends it and Teri ask for a picture of them together, smiling. They try again and it is a little better. All through the day Elena sends picture of where they are walking. I realize they are walking in Doodletown. I
don't know the history of it, but it is now part of the Bear Mountain state park. It was once a small town up in that area and I guess the state bought out all of the residents. I'd heard my mother talk about it several times when she walked that area. Elena sends back a steady stream of pictures of the signs talking
about what houses were where and when they were taken down. It is interesting. I do notice she is always taking pictures of Matt walking away. I wonder what that is about? (Come on and just think about it for a moment) Then the texts stop. I figure they are out of the town. Sometime around four or so I notice the sky is getting dark and the wind has picked up out of the northwest. It looks like a thunder storm is coming. They are north of us and they might even be in it now. I text
her and ask her if they are still hiking. No Answer, after a little while I text again and say thunder storms are coming are you hiking still. no answer again. Teri sends a hellooooo. Finally an answer. She says they are not hiking and her phone died. I guess it got better. (Monty Python and the Holy Grail joke) She comes home around six I think. Nastia worked, then went over to Branden's house. That was Sunday. On Monday she works 7-3 and then goes over Branden's house. Her mother and her have a talk about being to easy, too willing to run over to his house. She then comes to talk to me about the same thing and I tell her that she needs to be a little bit more difficult to get. He needs to come over her more. He needs to pursue her, not the other way around. He'll value you more if your'e not always there for him. God, it was all so sexist, but it was still so true. I even told her that is just the way guys are. She would alway drop what she was doing for David whenever he call. He was emotionally unavailable to her, but she didn't care and or didn't see it. Finally she got tired of him being so distant, physically and emotionally. She is in this relationship with Branden. He works odd houra and it is tough for her to see him. AND it is alway her running to see him, not the other way around. One night after being with her, he drops her off and he goes to hang out with his friends. It's not bad, but why did he drop her off, was it late and she had to be home, I don't remember, maybe. I kind of hope so. Elena and Matt for some reason are alot simpler and I don't know why. Matt works alot and goes to school. Elena works alot and wants to go back to school. They hang out on Wednesdays like Nastia does with Branden.They have some evening together, but it doesn't seem like Elena is rushing over to Matt's everytime she can. Nastia when she goes it almost....she reminds me of a person who doesn't feel complete unless she is in a relationship and if that is true, it is not healthy. I worry more about Nastia right now then Elena for some reason.Maybe it is because Elena is a strong independent person, maybe too independent and Nastia used to be. /

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