Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Sunday and Wednesday again

Nastia got out of work on Sunday and told me she is going to get a sandwiche for Brandon from the deli down the street from us because he liked them and then she would be home. About forty minutes after she got out of work she pulls into the driveway. I don't remember why I was out there but I am asked to take this tin of food Brandon's mother has given to Nastia. I've seen tins like this before from David's grandmother and I know what's in it. I take it and don't say anything, but I'm hurt. One inside Nastia opens it up and starts to eat it. I warn her dinner, Enchiladas is going to be served in about an hour or so. She gives a typical Nastia reply, "I'll be hungry.", she won't, but I let it go. She eats the rice, picks at the chicken. I go to make dinner with Teri. Nastia offers to help. I've forgotten how to make Enchiladas, so I make it up. I brown beef and after I've drained it I add taco seasoning thinking the meat would be bland other wise. I goes, "That's not how it is done." I go to remove the spice mix and she says it too late to do that. I didn't argue and continue on. One of the few food things I know about my grandfather or maybe it is my grandmother besides how to know when corn fritter mix is thick enough (when it goes plop from a spoon back into the mix, yes, plop is a scientific thickness measurement, I looked it up.) is you stack Enchiladas. I tried them both ways and stacking is better. You dip the corn or flour tortilla (I prefer corn) in the Enchilada sauce lay it flat on a baking dish. You then top it with meat or whatever and cover it with another tortilla. Repeat several times until you have a stack that looks high enough. Put it in the oven until the cheese on top melts and dinner is served. Slice it into sections or eat it all yourself, it's good. Nastia doesn't like cheese, so she goes and gets a can of black beans and she has black beans and beef. Enchiladas are made and the four of us sit down to eat.There was some good conversation over the dinner table that night, but I don't remember what it was. Just the feeling of sitting around the table with theses three women eating and talking feels great and before too long it is over and we are cleaning up. Elena goes upstairs to her room to talk to Matt and Nastia goes up and talks to Brandon, who is usually at work around this time. Teri and I go into the living room to watch TV. Later that night Teri has gone to bed, I've showered and I'm heading to bed. I go into Elena's room and kiss her good night, She says "good night gramps". I go int Nastia's room and we start talking. She comments about how we let Elena off during dinner without getting angry at her and yelling. I tell Nastia we do handle the both of you differently. Elena doesn't respond to anger very well. Either she'll get very angry or she'll cry. When you make her cry it is heart breaking because you know you have gotten past her defenses and that doesn't happen often. The following is written over a week later from memory. We also talk about Brandon coming over for dinner. I leave with a, "He'll come over. The next day I'm told he is coming to dinner on Friday, I think. Between the time he agrees to come over his two dogs get into a fight. Now the way Brandon tells it these two dogs would fight to the death. This sound totally different from our dogs. The worst fight they ever had was when Misha bite her tongue (yes her own tongue) and there was blood everywhere. It was scary for a few moments after they were seperated to find out where all the blood was coming from. The next worst one was when we used theshock collar to stop it and Misha thought Athena was doing it and it went worst for Athena. She ended up with a bunch of small cuts and bites all over her body. During Brandon's dog's fight he put his hand where one of the dog thought the other dog would be and tore up Brandons thumb enought that he had to go to the Hospital to get stitches and he will be out of work for a while because he can't drive. After the dog fight Nastia says that Brandon is not coming over to eat Friday, but he will come over to visit, sometime around five. I will be at work until seven and silently I don't mind. Inside, just like him I know this first meeting needs to happen. The way modern technology has evolved stopping people from meeting face to face before the first date like I had to with my first serious girlfriend makes that first meeting more difficult. They have been dating for about two months. Nastia has spent way more time over his house, gotten over the jitters around his family, even his cousins. Brandon is just begining that trip now. Brandon ended up coming to dinner on this past Saturday. The previuos blog entry talks about it. THe above title had something to do with all of this but after a week or so it is all a blue haze, better yet, it might be a purple haze. Thank you Jimmy. And don't ask who, go look it up. / /

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