Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Sister fights and COVID 2021

It's the end of February and little to nothing is going on. The girls are into their routine and being Wednesday Nastia was up at seven and change ready to go spend sometime with Brandon. She wore those pants she wore last week again. I guess she likes them or likes Brandon to see her in them. Elena on the other hand is still asleep. Matt is back to school and I think he works two jobs or something like that that keeps him busy. So last night she was doing her usual facetiming with him. I think that leaves her free for the day, maybe she'll play X-Box or something, I really don't know. Her life revolves around work and Matt. The other night Nastia and Elena got into a fight and all I heard was Nsatia saying go hang out with your pathic boyfriend. Now Nastia hadn't picked up on the mood Elena was in. I heard it in her voice earlier and immediately stepped in and walked Elena away and told her I will take care of Nastia and she shouldn't have bought boyfriends into the arguement. I also told Elena if she does it again to come to her mother or I instead of starting a fight. She won't, but I can hope and maybe stepping in to stop things makes her feel a little more valued. I go back to the kitchen and yell at Nastia for about twenty seconds to keep boyfriends out of arguements. I think about what I said and two or so minutes later I come over to her, she is sitting on the counter trying to put away some bowls in an upper cabinet. I quietly tell her to remember that Elena is someone who insists she needs no one has finally admitted to needing Matt and she has alot invested in this relationship. I think I tell her to not insult Matt any more because it will not end well. I also tell her that after her mother and I are gone she will have no one except her sister. I long for the days when they were as thick as thieves. (very close for all you people who don't know what that expression means)Elena would tell joke or do something to make Nastia laugh. Back then everything they did, they did together. Teri says this is how sisters are and they will end up being close in the future. Only the two of them know what each other went through in Russia. No one else will understand like their sister would. I wrote the following late last week and wasn't sure if I should publish it. Now that the orange racoon is out of office and I have not been on facebook for over a year I feel I can freely spout off about him, but I will not. well, for not too long anyway, maybe a couple of line about him so people won't forget about him. He took a nation and an economy, yes he helped get his rich blood sucking friend richer and made the gap between rich and poor the largest it's been in 100 years and he did that with that giant sucking hole of a tax break and to show his graditute to the state of New York, the state that let him and his crooked father get rich, he prevented deducting taxes above $10,000 on federal tax forms. Enough of this I could fill a book with his evil buffoonery. The dictionary defines buffoonery as behavior that is ridiculous and amusing. If it wasn't being done to me, it might be funny. Hey Mexico, Trump says the bill is in the mail and prison tell the oath keepers and the proud boys, 'hello suckers'. I went out to eat tonight with Teri and Nancy. Someone had given Teri and I gift cards to the Yard House at the Palisades Center. The girls were out to dinner with Jessica, Elena's friend. Not to be confused with Jessie, Nastia's friend from work. It was Jessica's birthday and the girls went to dinner with her and her mother and her step father. They went to a nice restaurant just over the Jersey border that was once called McDonald's Steak House. At the Yard House there is a thirty minute wait. Nancy goes to Target and Teri and I go to the store, 'As seen on TV' a store full of cheap junk that you don't really need and don't realize that until you've spent lots of money and gotten everything home. And yes we didn't buy anything, we got all the junk we need. Afterwards I wanted to continue to walk, Teri heads back toward the Yard House. As I walk I am amazed at all the unmasked people. I could have swarn that they had all been converted or died. I hadn't seen an unmasked person in like six or more weeks. I won't go into my views why all of these stupid people were not wearings masks. Back at the restaurant we masked three get a text our table is ready. We go in and sit down. Teri and Nancy take their masks off, I leave mine on. Teri says several times I can take it off, but I don't want to and I don't until I can't breath. I've become comfortable with the mask on. It hides my face and masks my emotions. I feel apart from the world and I like it. I think I need therapy again. Will the world ever return to what passed for normal? It's hard to believe it ever will. The girls have adjusted their lives to wearing masks or at least making me think they do. I know they don't around their boyfriends and their families. When I met Brandon the other day was he wearing a mask. I can't believe I didn't notice because I'm sure he wasn't now.

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