Friday, November 13, 2020

We picked up Nastia's new car- new for her

 We have been looking for a car for Nastia since she crashed the Escape. I really liked the Escape, but it was starting to rust out pretty bad around the lift gate. I thought that had been solved when Nastia forgot to start the Escape when she was on a hill, put it into gear and rolled down the hill hitting another car. The rear lift gate and bumper were replaced and the majority of the rust eliminated. Butttttt.... Nastia was not done yet. She was driving home from work one sunny afternoon when a bee flew into her car. Now Nastia has told me for many years bees were dangerous, I just didn't know they were able to steer a car into a guard rail. I guess the bee was depressed and wanted to end it all. That accident finally killed the Escape.

I must admit I have not been without sin in regards to the Escape and accidents. One afternoon I was way up north in Putnam county working looking for business for Cream-O-Land Dairy. I was desperate and I was tired. I hadn't gotten any good stops for my new company so as I headed down this country highway I felt I couldn't stop and anyway these spells of tiredness usually ended without anything happening. Then suddenly the next thing I know I am swerving to get back on the road and away from the guard rail. I nicked it with the fenders front and back living to tell about it. Funny thing I think I then stopped to take a quick nap, which is what I would have done if I  was still working for Marcus., but I wasn't tired any more.

Teri as always seems to be the one who finds the car. I look and don't see anything of interest or at a price that is good. Long time ago I quit saying Nastia or Elena should take out a car loan to build a credit score.

When Teri tells me the car has transmission issues, I say no, it's not worth looking at. She says what can it hurt. We go look, it's night, it's dark. but we look. The car has a dent that runs down the side of the car. Not major, but it is not a plus.It's a Mazda 6 and I am never crazy about buying a car that might be extra expensive to repair, but we look. The car is running when we get there. I open the hood check for any fluid leaks, I don't see any. Dummy me doesn't check under the car and look at the transmission for leaks. I ask to move the car. I get in, the interior is nice, I don't see the cracks in the passenger side of the dash until later. I put the car in gear and rev up the engine. The transmission is slow to engage, but doesn't grind, a good sign I am hoping. I get out and tell the guy We'll have to think about it and we'll give him a call. As we leave Teri and I discuss the car. So time in the next few days the decision to buy the car is made. I go to look at it one last time and to negotiate a price. I give it a once over and this time

I lay on the ground and shine my light at the transmission and see lots of oil on the frame. The guy catches on that there is possibly just an oil leak and he thinks he has a stronger hand. I realize that too and am a little pissed that I didn't do it the first time I was there with all the distractions of other people there. He wants $2800.00, I offer $2200.00. He says there is a guy who is interested and is coming back. I tell him I have three hundred dollars as a deposit and I'm here now. I should have pushed harder and possibly walked away from the car with the question of the transmission unknown, but I didn't and we settled on $2500.00. I figure and I'm pulling numbers out of thin air right now, but the transmission, if it is a gasket will be under $500.00. Then the car is not a bad deal. If the transmission is cracked or some gears are damaged, then it could run over two thousand dollars to fix. Well see in the future.

I gave him two hundred, I thought I bought three, but didn't. We signed a paper saying I did and then he tells me he is waiting for the loan release from the bank and that's fine, I don't care. When he calls we'll come and pick the car up.

He called a few days later and on that Saturday, I go and pick up the car. Teri drives me over. We are meet by the guy, I pay him, put some transmission fluid in the car and try to drive it away. It sort of works, I should have filled it up with six quarts. I ease on down the road at about twenty miles an hour, turn onto Lake road in Valley Cottage and make the left onto Kings Highway. I think this short trip can't make the problem worse. I manage to get to Alexander Brothers at the corner of West Nyack Road and Strawtown without much issue. Once or twice on the trip I thought the car was not going to move again when I put my foot back on the gas, but it did.

That Monday I go talk to Frank at Alexander Brothers and tell him about the car. He says he'll look at it. That afternoon he tells me it need some sort of lines before they can check the car out, they'll run $400.00. I tell him to put them in. Later that day he tells me the transmission is shot. Did I kill it running it over from Valley Cottage or did I just finish the job. Either way Nastia is officially on the hook for a transmission running about $3000.00. They were to take the car over to the transmission place on Wednesday. I get a call that they can't start the car and it's not the battery, which also needs to be replaced. I'm getting the feeling that we are into a money pit. Teri and I talk it over and a little fight breaks out. I didn't want to go see it to begin with and Teri says we didn't have to buy it. Both of us are not happy with the car. I take a day to think about it and go over on Friday to talk to Frank at Alexander Bros. I have decided to put a used transmission in it and get rid of it. When I go over I can't see the car. In the office, Frank says they were trying to start the car the wrong way and it will be ready on Wednesday. I say ok and leave. What could I have said. He did what he thought I wanted and getting angry would have accomplished nothing. 

We go see a car on Sunday. They want $3,000.00 for it. It's a Honda with a rebuilt engine. The odometer says 180,000 miles. The kid selling it says the engine has only 80,000 on it. He shows us a bunch of bills showing repairs he's done on it. I take it for a test drive. It runs smooth, but I also realize that I am done buying used cars. I feel everyone is trying to put something over on us when we look at a car and if not there will always be unknown problems the owners don't know about any way. We thank the people who showed us the car and leave. Nastia didn't even look at the car and says she doesn't trust people any more. I think sadly, welcome to the world.

It's Friday, there is no word on he car, So I am going to end this post because the next one scared me when it happened.


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