Monday, September 14, 2020

Elena and Access VR, oh it's also 9/11

      New York somehow even with all the people who are getting tired of wearing masks is still doing good with COVID-19. Everyone still expects a second wave. Video conferences are all the rage now so Elena has a interest in checking out BOCES and their automotive classes. She doesn't want to do it virtually, can't blame her. Access VR is a county or state resource that we can actually use. 

   Yesterday (friday 9/11) Elena had a conference call with her new advisor. She is a nice women, it's just Elena doesn't know her. So the walls went up. as soon as the conference call started. For years and years sci fi has predicted the video phone, the future has arrived. The connection would occasionally freeze, but the ease of connecting and the quality of everything if you sit back and think about it is amazing. Now all you youngsters have to remember I and may contemporaries started with a corded phone. It was the only one in the house and if you wanted to talk to someone anyone calling the house would get a busy signal. You know maybe that was a better time (opps, just lost the millenials) The call was not very long. Elena used as few words as she could. She asked no questions and I had to jump in to clarify some things. I'd wanted to let Elena take the lead. This is a grown up thing that everyone need to be able to do. It was a tough time for me, as a kid to learning to talk to strangers and get what I wanted. I had to learn it on my own and it took years and was tough. I want both of our girls to learn this skill as quickly as possible and as soon as possible with as little pain as possible. Growing up sucks, but you have to sometime. 

It's 9/11 again. Nineteen years ago today, like every American alive and of a certain age remembers where they were when it happened. I was driving out of Northern New Jersey when Teri calls me from work at United Water. I've told the story many times here. I also remember we were in Russia in 2009 during 9/11 and it was a nothing event over there, not surprising they didn't get attacked by terrorists and lose about 3,000 lives, more if you include the ones who have gotten diseases from the dust from the two building.


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