Saturday, August 8, 2020

Tropical storm Isaias and the pool

 What kind of name did they come up with for this last storm? I can't pronounce it. I'm used to storms and hurricanes with names like Andrew, Mary. I remember back when all storms were named after women. Then they started using men's names, it seemed so weird, now Isaias. It reminds me of Isis, which all of you future people hopefully have no idea what they are or were and that's a good thing*

Our pool has had a rough year. It started last year when the pool water wouldn't clear up. Then the pool wasn't covered until late in October and leaves got into the pool. I figured we (I) were going to empty

the water out of the pool anyway, what's a few leaves. This past spring I clean the leaves and water off the pool cover, then empty the pool of all the water, it goes surprisingly well and the pool looks amazing. One morning, not long after I wake up to the water in the pool down about six inches. It turns out a hose has a break in it. I repair it, then the motor on the pump jams, I think it has seized and I buy another motor. Of course the pool has to sit while the motor makes it way via UPS to our door and the water turns green. Teri and I dump chemicals on top of chemicals into the water to clear it up. This past week it starts to clear up and the water finally turns from green to a foggy light blue. Then Isaias hits. I'm at work and Teri calls to tell me a large branch has fallen into the pool. I joke to my co-workers that is going to be a six inch long branch. It turns out it is one of our neighbors, Ann's pine trees and it is a monster. It crashes through our fence, misses everything in the yard and settles for right up against the side of the pool. We call Allstate and they tell us we have a five-hundred dollar deductible so get an estimate and call them. Weeeeeell it's just after a storm and all good tree cutters are taking trees off of
houses and such. I'm told to call back in three weeks. Teri says to go out and get a chainsaw, that is until she discovers that you can't buy one for twenty dollars. Home Depot had one for about $120.00 and she thought that was too much. I guess it was a good idea I didn't go to the mower repair place that has all kinds of really great chainsaw for much bigger prices. I've gotten to the point in our relationship that if Teri is going to complain about a purchase, I'm either going to not purchase it or I'm going to not tell her and hide it from her for the rest of her or my life. So if you find a storage key on my key ring after I'm gone that is where I hide all of my toys and stuff I never told Teri about. My compromise is to buy long saw blades for my electric saw and cut up as much of the tree as I can. I start Thursday night and by dark and a little after the pine tree is well on it's way to being cut up. The pool is running and the water has pine needles and small branches in it that do clog the filter, but as of Saturday it is swimmable. The most annoying thing about the tree was it was loaded with small pinecones and I kept stepping on them. It got to the point I stopped cutting up the tree to sweep them off the deck. 

*ISIL- Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ˈsəl, ˈsɪl/), also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ˈsɪs/),[86] officially known as the Islamic State (IS) and also known by its Arabic-language acronym Daesh (Arabic: داعش‎, romanized: DāʿishIPA: [ˈdaːʕɪʃ]),[87][88] is a militant group and a former unrecognised proto-state[89] that follows a fundamentalistSalafi jihadist doctrine of Sunni Islam.[90] ISIL gained global prominence in early 2014 when it drove Iraqi government forces out of key cities in its Western Iraq offensive,[91] followed by its capture of Mosul[92] and the Sinjar massacre.[93]


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