Monday, August 24, 2020

The House on Haunted Hill moves to Oboy! Street and the girls love lives*

 * hopefully they are being safe and smart

Our house was finished up this past Saturday. It looks fantastic. My only regret is that we did vinyl because wood or hardie plank was too expensive. If you don't touch it and don't look too closely it does look like a real house. Not a vinyl covered whore in cheap makeup. I know that is harsh and uncalled for, but I have always wanted to live in a house this pretty, but done traditionally with wood. I kept telling myself that if I knew what was under the green asphalt shingles I'd have done it differently, but then we'd still

have a drafty old house that costs twice what everyone else's cost to heat and cool. So you compromise and live with the results. I'm hoping for a third smaller heating bill this winter and everyone who walks by says the house is wonderful looking. So I guess we didn't do anything wrong. Plus when we sell
some kids wil want an open floor plan and they'll take down all the walls and doors we have kept up. You can't win really.

Elena's boyfriend from Christmas hasn't been mentioned because they are not together. He left shortly after to go somewhere. She then quietly started dating a kid named Hugh. We met him at Dairy Queen on someone's birthday. shortly after that his old girlfriend wanted him  back and he went. Boy, dating is still tough. Recently she has been not dating a friend she knew from middle school named Matthew. They have not been dating according to Elena for a few months. She goes out with him after work and sometimes Nastia goes along. She stays up late at night and face times him until who know how late. 

Nastia on the other hand is hanging out with younger guys still. She has made friends with Keishon, from the play. She still hangs out with Taj. who she says she is just friend with. There is no talk of David, but there is a picture of him and her still up in her room. 

They both are mostly closed books about what they are doing and who they are seeing. You have to ask because rarely do they offer up information. 


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