Sunday, July 19, 2020

I guess this one is crash, boom , bang*

* Again Steve Miller R O C K in the U S A

I've been against letting the girls go out in the evening, but there is only so much staying home that they can take and I understand. So Teri and I have been letting the girls go out to socialize at night
      Saturday Nastia gets called into work early and she had told me she was going out to hang out with a friend named Elijah. I haven't met him yet and she insists he is just a friend, he is also younger then her, just like Taj. Sometime before she goes out she asks me if she can stay out until  10:30. I know she is twenty-one and is too old for a curfew, but as long as I can get away with it I will. And also she is still living under Teri's and my roof. I am trying to be reasonable and understanding so I say yes, 10:30. I also tell her to please come back alive. She laughs and assures me she will.
Around quarter to ten at night, I am getting ready to take a shower when my phone rings. It's Nastia and she says something happened and she doesn't know how, but she hit a car. I tell her I'll be there. She gives me the address of 2 Parker Drive in Garnerville. It sounded familiar and when I looked it up on my phone (of course, I'm in a hurry and Google maps doesn't come up, some Lyft Uber crap App does and wants me to download their App.) I finally get a map where Parker is and it looks even more familiar. I have time to think as I am driving up 9W and I'm sure that is where Taj lives.
So I know where I'm going. I get behind someone who is out sightseeing of course, so at my first chance on Rt 210, I pass them. I get up to the top of the hill near the ShopRite and a little ways down the road I make the right onto Parker. At first I see nothing. Then I see a group of people, so I pull behind a car and park I notice Nastia and her car. It doesn't look too bad in the dark. She rushes over to meet me and I notice no mask. I tell her nice social distancing as I go back to get my mask (opps) The back end of the car is a mess. The window is gone and the lift gate has seen better days. There is
a big dent in the middle and the bumper has a large divot in it. I go over to the other car to see how bad it is. The bumper is pushed down on the outside corner and the quarter panel is cracked near the bumper. I'm guessing about three thousand dollars in damage. I apologize to the wife of the car's owner, saying usually Nastia is a better driver then this. Probably that was not a good idea to do , but Nastia hit a parked car. The Police Officer was very nice and explained how to get hold of the report and when it would be ready. I thanked him for his time I told Nastia home after the Officer said the car was drivable and all the lights still worked. I do a K turn (now they call it a broken U turn, idiots couldn't leave well enough alone) and I notice in my lights a guy standing on the other side of the road. He moves out of my lights as I do my turn. I swear it is Taj. Not that it really matters. He was a nice enough kid, he just had some screwed up priorities. A personal trainer and a brokerage account, but no car or job. Brokerage account, yes, personal trainer, no.
      We get home and tell Teri about the car. Later after Teri
has gone to bed Nastia and I have a wide ranging talk about lots of things, but the one most important thing was she gave me more details about the accident. She had said the brakes didn't work as she rolled down the hill ,but on the way home they were fine. She thinks she put the car in gear, but didn't start it.  So that when it rolled backwards down that steep hill the brakes didn't work easily. It does make sense. You can take a car out of park was long as you put your foot on the brake.
     We're talking now of either fixing the car or her getting a new one. I like the idea of her driving a SUV. She is higher up in the air and I think she can see better. Plus they offer a little more protection.
Oh and it turns out that Taj lives right next door to Elijah, the 'friend' she was visiting on Parker. Taj wasn't home Nastia thinks.


1 comment:

  1. My first accident I also hit a parked car. To this day I really don’t know how I did it.
