Sunday, July 12, 2020

Ease on down the road*

* Yes, it's from the Wiz, a remake of the Wizard of OZ with an all black cast.

It's Sunday, July 12, 2020 and my daughters are joining the rest of the 19 to 49 year olds who seem to think we have conquered COVID-19 in the northeast or maybe they're just tired of wearing masks and staying cooped up at home. I can commiserate. When I was their age I'd want to spend as much time with my girlfriend and my friends as I could, but it's not over and I keep telling them this.
     Nastia has a 'friend' who is involved with this group of people who get together every so often and rehearse a play. They meet in the back of a building in New City that has a hair salon in the front. She swears that they all practice social distancing and wear masks. There are so many things  wrong with this that I should stop her from going. I hope I don't  regret it. Why are they rehearsing a play when Broadway is closed and  they don't expect to reopen until 2021. They can't perform a play anywhere. Ok, so let's say they are doing it for the fun of it. Wearing masks while doing it? practicing projecting their voices, throwing minute drops of spit into the air? AND in an enclosed space? if one got it they all get it. God watch out for my daughter please.
       Now Elena came home late from work yesterday. When asked why, she said she felt bad for her friend, Dakota. It's been pouring cats and dogs on and off for the last few days and they were both leaving at the same time and like all of my daughter's friends, Dakota doesn't have a car. So Elena offered to take her home, saying that they both wore their masks during the trip, I hope so. I thank her for telling the truth. She knows how we don't like either of them being a taxis for their friends and with the COVID-19 even more so. Earlier in the year Elena was driving Dakota home most nights, even waiting an hour sometime until she finished to drive her home. I hope this doesn't lead to that returning.
      My big fear in all of this is they will catch the disease from someone, by just hanging around someone that has done something stupid, like go to Florida (sorry Ruth, you have a dumb governor) for a quick trip to soak up some sun or whatever all those other idiots that have done that did. No one knows they are infected, it takes 10 days to show up, but you can spread it during that time if you remember. Then spread it to one of our girls, who spreads it to me and I visit my 86 year old mom every week day (I hear the clock ticking) and I kill her. I'd never forgive myself.
     And now for something completely different It's.....(music starts to play Monty Python's Flying Circus) yeah I've used it before but I just couldn't end on such a dark note. Speaking of Dark, it's a series on Netflix dubbed from German and it is good. There are three seasons and it is so confusing, but good that you'll need to watch each season twice to understand what is going on and when you finally do you'll get the reward of this truly weird show.
     I'll give you a quick run down of the show. It is set in this small town in Germany (still feels weird leaving out east or west) that has a nuclear reactor. There are caves near the reactor and the town has a history of kids disappearing. Last time it happened was thirty-three years ago, in 1985 and it has started to happen again. In episode one a man hangs himself. One of the kids enters the caves and somehow when he comes out he has gone back in time to 1985. I'm going to give a little away here, it'll help in your understanding of future episodes. The kid, Mikhil who disappears from the present is the man who hangs himself in the present also. That is how this show works. You'll see people in the present and also in the past as kids(and also in the future?!!). It will get so confusing that you will have to watch the season twice to completely understand who is who at what time and how they relate to other characters. It is all well worth it in the end, which I haven't gotten to yet at this point. I'm rewatching the last three episodes of season two before braving the final season. Take the time and you will enjoy it.
I guess that is a bit less dark, just a bit. 


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