Thursday, April 30, 2020

Nastia arts and crafting it for school

Nastia had wanted to be a teacher of kindergarten children. I don't know what happened, I'll have to ask her. before she changed her mind she was advised to get into this class called child development or something like that. I most likely are wrong, but the point is the other night Nastia had to do some arts and crafts that as a young kid, some I remember doing. The first one was make a snowflake. I didn't remember how it was done, so in this amazing day and age I told Nastia to go on the internet. o, yes I then went on the internet and found a video on how to make a snowflake. You get a piece of paper, cut it into a square, fold it into a triangle twice and then fold it bringing both corners to the middle to make it look like a badge of the Federation from Star Trek. Cut off those the ends. Now at this point in the video they start to do some fancy cuts and Nastia says she can't do them. I go "Nastia look just cut it like this " and a proceed to put different shapes into the edges making sure not to cut too much out of the spine. I start to open it up. I stop and hand it to Nastia and when she opens it up I get a wow, A simple piece of paper became something more.
She then goes to work on making maracas using towel paper rolls and different stones and buttons to
make noise. I am disappointed in her effort. I ask her if she is done with the snow flakes and suggest she glue it onto the tube, I get a no and she then lightly colors in part of the tubes.
   She also has to make a rubbing and has trouble doing it. I take some time rubbing a pencil on a piece of paper placed on top of a metal butterfly. Nastia is amazed at how beautiful parts of  it are. She then does her own, but doesn't take the time needed to make the detail come out in it.
All of her lack of effort on something so simple so reminds me of how I was and it make me sad. Here she was learning to do crafts that should have been fun and easy. But she was so caught up in just getting it done that she didn't enjoy doing any of it. I think I had more fun then her. I guess maybe a little age and distance will cure her like it did some for me.
      Last night I come up stairs and look into the room that used to be the office, before it was Elena's bedroom and then was storage for working on herr bedroom (yes, I am still working on it, sorta. more on that later) I see a red light flooding out of her room and any fan of the rock group 'The Police' know what I'm about to say...."ROXANNE! You don't have to put on the red light. ROXANNE!"                                       
I look into the room and modern kids are having fun together. I miss kids coming to the door and asking if someone is home and can they come out and play. There I go again going all Mayberry on you. What you future people don't know what I'm talking about? Well I don't really want to ruin the fun of you looking it up. Say Hey to Opie  Andy and Aunt Bee when you get there.


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