Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter during the COVID-19

Holidays during the COVID-19 are muted.
With everyone sheltering in place not a word was said when both girls had to work on Easter Sunday. It has been a few years since we colored eggs and this year Easter just wasn't Easter.
Teri did her usual very nice job cooking the meal. We had ham, pineapple casserole, mixed vegetables, and a non-traditional dish pierogies. We'd just had mac and cheese which goes real well with ham and no one was in the mood for potatoes, so we went with pierogies, boiled, not fried. Fried are excellent, try them one day.
     We ate dinner around six. Nancy was our only guest. I didn't ask my mom because the girls are
always exposed to alot of people who might have the virus. I haven't been within ten feet of my mom in about a month. But for WASPs like me isn't that just standard? yes, that's a joke, a WASP joke.
      The family dinner was the first one we'd had in a while. The girls were wound up a little and I inspired them in their lunacy.
      The conversation at the table was not very Easterish. It started with an innocent question for Nancy, asking Elena what happened to her nose piercing. If I haven't told it I will now. Elena was thunking Nastia. Thunking is when you take your first finger and put it inside the first joint of the thumb and get close to someone and push the first finger off and hit someone usually in the head. Elena was doing this and had
been warned to stop by Nastia, well she didn't and Nastia struck back hitting Elena in the nose causing it to bleed. So Elena takes the nose ring out.
    So We start talking about piercings. I was on the side of
Elena where I could hear all the mumblings Teri couldn't. Elena as always can be very funny and I've known she also can have a dirty mouth. In this house it isn't anything unusual. So as the conversation goes on I am hearing all the little asides from Elena about different piercings. Nastia hears her mention nipple piercing and of course she says out loud she is not going to get one, they are painful and she talks about Nich, an ex boyfriend of Amanda's who had a nipple pierced and how he was a boy and so on. That was how our Easter conversations went. It was inappropriate and everyone was suffering for cabin fever. And it was fun and nice to have everyone together having fun and laughing in the middle of this awful time. Teri tried to rein it in once and I told her to let them go. Everyone needed it.

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