Friday, January 24, 2020

Friday morning and life goes on......beyond the Palisades (using that again are we?)

I am thinking of such witty titles these days.
Nastia started her Spring semester at Rockland Community College yesterday. She has a class at night. She is playing racquetball. I thought they got rid of the racquetball courts. Where they used to be are offices now. I still shake my head when I realize forty years have passed since I was there. Forty years after my dad fought in World War 2, I was going to RCC. I know who cares, but if you think about relativity, not Einsteins law, but Joe's law. Things take on a prospective. When he was sixty-two years old, like I'm now and he looked back forty years, he'd see World War 2. When my great, great grandfather was sixty-two and he looked back forty years, he'd see the Civil War. And the most mind blowing fact was I met his daughter, who was born during the Civil War.
         I have no idea what Nastia's schedule is for RCC. Today is Friday and she is up at 7 AM getting ready to pick up Taj, her.....want to be boyfriend?, her friend? her boy toy? a guy who got caught in the friend zone? I don't know and most likely neither does she. Dave is still being David and he saw her and they talked, when he was down recently. I guess they are still on a break when he wants to be on a break. And of course you know long distance relationships and all the difficulty talking to each other. It just sucks so much only face timing. So Nastia goes to school, does her internship  how many days a week I don't know or what days. She goes out with Taj after school or in the vernacular, they hang out somewhere. Most likely jailbreaking phones. Another expression I hate jailbreaking. Millennials, where we as annoying as they are?
      Elena, what can I say that has not been said about me as a 19 year old. She did awful in her first semester at College. She won't tell me what the grades are. So the counselors let her double up on classes for the spring semester, go figure. Do bad with fifteen credits, so let her do thirty. After a few long talks between us and her and Access VR, a counseling service, I think run by NY state she decided to drop out and go to BOCES to try automotive mechanics. It is also the spring semester and she has to wait until the fall to go, so she is going to take an introduction course to auto repair two nights a week and we are pushing her to get some more hours at Shoprite. We have also told her if she would like to just continue to work at Shoprite, full time she can. I don't know if that is a move she would regret or not. A job like that could disappear in the future. I guess almost any job could.
      Teri and I seem to be doing alright. She is still looking for another job. I enjoy my job, it just doesn't pay the bills and it has become very stressful. I really shouldn't stay there.
      Time to drop off the home loan papers.

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