Monday, December 2, 2019

Wednesday night, post mortem on the car and whatever else

Wednesday night is therapy for Elena. A couple of weeks ago afterwards I saw her and thought it must have been a rough one. Her eyes seemed ... tired I guess is the best way to describe them. Tonight she was on a bit of a high and in a real great mood. It was a lot like this past weekend after the movie. She was bouncing around being silly and having a great time. Tonight she was fake punching everyone and her sister was fake punching her back. Life seemed to be good for once. It may have been just a moment and Teri was telling Elena to stop, but really it was a time when everybody seemed to be happy, or at least content. Teri was happy once Elena stopped fake punching because Elena could put someone's eye out you know ( hey Christmas is coming and so is Christmas Story). Nancy joined us and we had a late dinner at Harry's Burritos. It was good.
       Afterwards I drove Nastia and Elena over to Alexander Brother to pick up her car, yes that car. The cost of repairs on the car could have topped three grand, if things had gone wrong. We did luck out on the cost of the repairs. It was a little over 18 hundred and as I went down the list there seemed to be nothing else left that could go bad.
       I'm now writing this on Saturday night and Elena came in after driving her car home from work saying it smelled weird. I went out and looked in the engine. There is a large fan belt that drives several things. Something at the bottom is only occasionally turning. It might be the alternator and that is going to be 300 dollars. Of course I'm pulling that number out of thin air. I see on Monday what it will cost.
      Since I'm writing this on Saturday night I have to tell you about the play Nastia and I went to. Thursday was a long day at work for me and I didn't want to go out afterwards but Nastia reminded me I had said I'd go with her to the RCC events she must attend. She stayed at school and I bought her some dinner. We walk into the theater and it turns out the play they are putting on is August Osage County. Several years ago Teri and I took the girls to see the movie of it. It was R rated for language and the language was very colorful. Julia Roberts had the lead and she swore a blue streak up and down. The girls couldn't get over the cursing. Now all these years later when I tell Nastia she's seen the play as a movie, she doesn't remember. She doesn't remember until the lead goes on stage and starts swearing. The play is over three hours and it doesn't start until 8pm. We get home and into bed after midnight. It was an interesting play that dragged at some points and as it approached 10 pm I just wanted it to end.


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