Saturday, October 12, 2019

Nastia and Elena's great adventure*

* yeah, like the movie, Bill and Ted's excellent adventure, well it sorta is.

A few weeks ago Nastia and Elena separately tell Teri and I that they are going to Great Adventure on Yom Kippur.I thought it was an odd way to celebrate the jewish holiday (that's a joke, I'm told you don't celebrate Yom Kippur, you atone for your sins and I can't think of a better way to atone for your sins then to go to the poor man's Disney World. Another joke.). They were going with Jessica and her mom and they were going to try to use passes Jessica's family had for the place. If it didn't work out it would have cost $80.00 per person to get in. Remember this is the poor man's Disney, except they, Great Adventure don't know it and try to charge like you're in Florida. It's October, so fright fest is going on there, except it is a jewish holiday and they weren't having it. I guess all the ghosts and goblins are jewish. I don't remember giving it much thought because it was several weeks away. This suddenly it wasn't. For a brief moment I considered telling them I didn't want them to go. It is still difficult to let them go and do things. Everytime they walk out the door I hope it is not the last time I see them or they don't get into an accident. I just don't know how my parents did it. There were four of us and three of us were in too many car accidents and my sister got divorced from an abusive man. I don't know too much about that. Anyway, it is tough watching your kids go out into the world and know you can't protect them and you really shouldn't try to stop them too much. Keep a good hazy line so when your fright is up you can say, "Well the weather is bad or it's too cold out to go." they have a tough time arguing about it.
At some point I just put it in God's hands (it's funny how easy it is to believe in God at times like this) and give the girls the best advice I have, bring a jacket it is going to rain and get windy, which I did. Teri taught me to say be careful everytime they go out the door. My fears of what will happen out there are all mind from when I was out there and all the stupid things I did out there.
The morning of their trip,they had slept over Jessica's the night before after seeing the movie 'IT part 2' I saw it the night before and it was good. So Teri and I are sending all the texts any parent would send, you know, have a good time, be safe, bring a sweater, don't take any wooden nickels, yeah, that last one doesn't really apply any more, at least since the 1800's. Any how again they head out at some time in the morning. I was going to say early, but these are my daughters.
Sometime around three in the afternoon I ask them to take a picture. I really wanted several, but I didn't want to be a pain about it. So a little while later I got a really great picture.
5923419771.jpgWe don't hear from them again until they step in the door around seven or eight that night. I was a little surprised they were home that early. The park didn't close until eight and it is a two hour drive about to get home. Nastia comes in and sits down, Elena stands at the doorway to the family room. They are asked how was it and we get a it was fun. We push for a little more information and get, it was fun, it rained, we got wet. I ask if they went on that roller coaster that goes up and down like a zipper. They go, "oh, King da kah, no it was closed." While writing this I find out the roller coaster in the  background of the picture is the Batman roller coaster. So I guess they had a good time, it rained and they got wet.


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